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BA (Honours) Social Work (Northern Ireland)

Social workers support and protect some of society’s most deprived and vulnerable people. They require a high level of motivation, commitment and a qualifying degree. The Open University’s BA (Hons) Social Work (Northern Ireland) is approved by the Northern Ireland Social Care Council (NISCC), and successful completion entitles graduates to apply for registration as a social worker.

Our BA (Hons) Social Work (Northern Ireland) is a practice-based learning programme that combines on- and off-the-job learning and development, delivered flexibly around the demands of your workplace. Through completion of this qualification, students will earn a professionally qualifying degree in Social Work and gain practice experience with evidence of assessed competency in the workplace, including new skills and knowledge preparing them to take on more demanding roles within social care delivery.

For employers, the programme provides the opportunity to upskill, develop and retain current staff. Because students study alongside work, they will put their learning into practice immediately, for the positive benefit of service users.


The BA (Hons) Social Work (Northern Ireland):

  • Enables you to develop your workforce according to an employer-defined standard.
  • Helps to increase staff retention by offering career progression opportunities.
  • Is delivered flexibly around the demands of your organisation, using our tutor-supported, media-rich online learning methods.
  • Is accessible 24/7 and can be delivered to various locations using our tried-and-trusted educational technology, providing a consistent programme for multiple staff, regardless of where they are based and when they study.
  • Is based on over 20 years’ successful experience of working in partnership with employers to deliver a practice-based, qualifying social work programme, working with around 300 health and social care employers across the UK and training over 6,000 registered social workers.

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The programme is suitable for existing social care support staff who are responsible for delivering direct services and who have the potential to take on greater challenges and responsibilities as qualified social workers.

It will support the development of social workers across a wide range of settings, including services for mental health, adults, children, young people and families. The programme will also equip students to work with professionals from other organisations, such as the police, healthcare organisations, schools and probation services.

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Employers must commit to the following BA (Hons) Social Work (Northern Ireland) programme requirements:

  • Work with the OU to select members of staff suitable for training through work-based and supported distance learning
  • Sponsor the application from the employee; employees cannot apply directly to the OU.
  • Support students by giving full-time release for the duration of both practice learning placements and release to attend practice learning workshops.
  • Provide appropriate practice placements with suitable supervision in accordance with the requirements of the profession.
  • Be a Designated or Associated Practice Learning Provider (DPLP/APLP) and can provide both a level 2 and level 3 placement, in accordance with the NI Framework Specification for the Degree in Social Work. If you cannot provide a Level 3 placement, please contact us for further discussion, before supporting your employee to apply.
  • Identify a member of staff to make the practice learning arrangements and liaise with the programme. This would be known as the Agency co-ordinator.
  • Appoint a practice verifier/manager to verify 10 days of work experience, when required by relevant stage of study
  • Appoint practice teacher (and an on-site supervisor if required) for each of the two practice placements
  • The practice teacher cannot be the student's line manager or be in a supervisory capacity to the student.

At present, this programme is only available to students who are being sponsored by their employing agency.  The employer will need to provide two work-based learning placements. The level 3 placements will be arranged through the regional allocations process. The level 2 placement will likely be in the student's own team, however they should be considered surplus to the team and removed from their substantive post. Employers should carefully consider how backfill will be accommodated and financed on both placement periods.

If you require further information, please contact the NI social work team directly

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All BA (Hons) Social Work (Northern Ireland) applicants must:

  • Show that they can communicate clearly in spoken and written English.  If English is not the first language, employees then need to demonstrate a score of 7 on the International English Language Testing System (IELTS).
  • Demonstrate that they have the appropriate personal and intellectual qualities to be a social worker.
  • Currently be employed or volunteering as social care support staff who are responsible for delivering direct services to service users,
  • Be registered with NISCC prior to commencing the degree as a student social worker.
  • Comply with the NISCC Standards of Conduct for Social Work Students.
  • Meet the UCAS threshold of 96 tariff points. More information can be found at where the UCAS calculator at can be accessed. Alternatively, employees who successfully complete module K101 or K102 can be considered.
  • Be supported in their application by their employer and complete an application pack consisting of:  Application form, Medical Fitness to Practice form, Declaration of Suitability for Social Work form, Equal Opportunities form/Hesa form.  The employee will need the organisation’s help to show the necessary evidence, as requested in some of the forms.
  • Complete a health check. If, in exceptional circumstances, there are serious doubts about a candidate’s fitness to practice on health grounds, the University’s doctor may ask the employee to undergo a medical examination. This examination will be at the candidate/sponsor's own expense.
  • Have GCSE grade 9–4/A*–C/Functional/Key Skills Level 2 in English and mathematics, or a certified equivalent.
  • Demonstrate IT competence through self-declaration.
  • Have an Enhanced Disclosure Access NI Check (which checks against all registers) under the role/position of student social worker. This will be a new check and will be completed on entry to the programme and once per year, while on the degree programme.
  • Other qualifications may be acceptable if candidates have relevant UK academic qualifications which fall outside this list it is essential to provide evidence of a certified equivalent numeracy component.

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The BA (Hons) Social Work (Northern Ireland) is a practice-based learning programme that flexibly combines on- and off-the-job learning and development and is designed to help students acquire the core knowledge and skills that are transferrable across a range of settings and service user groups (including statutory health and social care, justice, education and the third sector).  Its flexibility around the demands of your workplace, is targeted at employees who have experience in either working or volunteering in a social work or social care agency.  The degree consists of a 360-credit programme comprising six modules of essential knowledge and skills. The subject matter is interdisciplinary, derived from psychology, sociology, social policy, law and social work studies.

At Stage 1, the first two modules provide an introduction to the organisation of social care in the UK and develop students’ awareness of the different components of good social work practice. At Stage 2, students will study a module covering the law and social work before taking a practice module, which includes a 70-day placement. In Stage 3, students will choose one module from a choice of four and conclude their degree 100-placement. 


Stage 1

Stage 2

Stage 3



Introducing health and social care
(60 credits)
Social work law
(60 credits)
A choice of one of the following 60-credit modules:
  • Leadership and management in health and social care
  • Approaches to mental health
  • Investigating health and social care
  • Young lives, parenting and families Optional module

BA (Hons) Social Work (Northern Ireland) awarded

Registration with the Northern Ireland Social Care Council (NISCC)


Foundations for social care and social work practice
(60 credits)
Applied social work practice
(60 credits)
Critical social work practice
(60 credits)

BA (Hons) Social Work (Northern Ireland) awarded

Registration with the Northern Ireland Social Care Council (NISCC)

Our tutor-supported online learning gives your employees the flexibility to pick the most suitable times, proactively and reactively, to minimise disruption to service provision. There is an 85-day placement in Year 2 and 100-day placement in Year 3. Otherwise, students are rarely required to be on day release at the same time and frontline services are protected.   It also means travel costs and expenses are minimised.

Online module delivery is both varied and interactive, using rich media formats that engage and enthuse learners on their journey. Learning is perfectly suited to staff working shifts, as it can be accessed 24/7 on computers, tablets and mobile devices, and can be immediately applied into working practice. Online forums and discussion groups allow students to learn from others in different service settings and with different backgrounds.

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The Open University has the experience and support in place to help students succeed and make a positive impact on practice.
The OU will deploy expert staff to support your organisation and your learners. They will work collaboratively with the relevant roles in your organisation to deliver the Social Work degree to meet both organisational needs and the Rules, Standards and Requirements of the Social Care Council in Northern Ireland.

Practice Tutor (PT)

The PT is a key role and provides individual support to students to progress and complete all the requirements of the professional programme. The support is tailored to the context of each learner’s professional duties and their workplace environment. Regular engagement with each learner’s line manager or work-based supervisor is a critical component of this role. In addition, the PT coaches learners to integrate their academic learning with their professional work and guide them in the development of their portfolio.

Academic Tutors (AT)

The role of the Academic Tutor is to support success by using, interpreting and building on the teaching resources produced by the OU and provided to students. They monitor progression, mark assignments, provide personalised feedback and work in partnership with employers to support the students’ academic, personal and professional development. In addition, Academic Tutors provide pastoral support to students.  They are sometimes also referred to as Associate Lecturers or Module Tutors.

Staff Tutor

The Social Work Staff Tutor supports your organisation to deliver the Social Work degree to meet both organisational needs and the quality assurance requirements set down by the Rules, Standards and Requirements of the Social Care Council in Northern Ireland. They will be able to advise and give support on all stages of the process from recruitment of sponsored students through to qualification.

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If you are interested in the BA (Hons) Social Work (Northern Ireland) for your organisation, contact the NI Social Work Team at

Individuals who are interested in pursuing this qualification can find out more information on our BA (Hons) Social Work (Northern Ireland) webpage for prospective students.

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Programme Summary

Location: Northern Ireland


  • 3-7 years, depending on start date and study intensity.

Qualifications achieved at the end of the programme

  • BA (Hons) Social Work (Northern Ireland)

Specific entry requirements

Recognition of prior learning (RPL)

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