Marina is originally from Brazil, where she worked as a marketing intern, learning & development specialist and recruitment consultant in companies like Praxair and Shell. She is also an AIESEC alumni, and served as a team member in Brazil and a volunteer in Poland. She obtained her PhD in Human Resources from the University of Seville, Spain, where she worked as a Research Fellow for a few years in the Social Psychology Department. During this time, she participated in several funded projects related to work-life balance, interpersonal conflict, diversity management and gender equity at work. Marina started her academic career in the UK as a Lecturer in Organisational Behaviour at Anglia Ruskin University (ARU). With a keen interest on student experience and well-being, she then worked as the Director of Undergraduate Courses to provide strategic direction and enhance student experience and success in the Faculty of Business & Law. Currently as an Academic Employability Consultant, Marina is part of the team that leads on an institution-wide innovative programme in collaboration with industry partners for improving the way employability is developed and integrated within the taught curriculum.
Email the OU's Employability team for more information or to ask any questions about the event