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Using the SDGs to create change: data production and use

Wed, 1 November 2017, 12:00 to 14:00

The Open University MK Library IL Suite - Seminar room 4 (second floor)

Lunch provided from 12pm  (please register your FREE place)

12.30 - 2pm  Discuusion and presentation

Speaker: Dr Claire Melamed

The SDGs have generated a huge amount of interest in data, both as a part of the essential infrastructure to achieve the goals, and as the raw material for monitoring progress.  This interest has been seized upon by statistical agencies, private companies and NGOs, who have argued for more resources and demonstrated the value of new approaches with a multitude of pilot projects and innovations.  This talk will look at some case studies of how data was used to influence the formation of the SDGs, and how the SDGs, once agreed, are being used to galvanise support for improved data production and use, focusing particularly on the necessary trade-offs along the way, and the coalitions and partnerships that have proved important for success.

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The Open University
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