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Free new course: Making Teacher Education Relevant for 21st Century Africa

30 May 2018

A free online course has launched to support the transformation of education in Africa. Making Teacher Education Relevant for 21st Century Africa is for anyone who works with, or trains, teachers in Africa and is available to study free and online through Futurelearn.

The course is four weeks in duration and has been developed by the the team behind TESSA (Teacher Education in Sub-Saharan Africa), which is coordinated by The Open University and has been providing free, digital resources to teachers in Africa since 2008 to support the development of quality teaching and learning.

Designed for teacher educators, head teachers, education officers, lecturers, tutors and teachers themselves, Making Teacher Education Relevant for 21st Century Africa will help participants to incorporate open educational resources (OERs) into teacher education, and help teachers to use active-learning and ICT.

The team behind the course said: “Major changes are needed in African schools to raise achievement and cope with rapidly increasing student numbers. Learner-centred approaches, improved internet connectivity and the recent UNESCO ICT competency framework provide opportunities to do this. This online course will help those who work with or train teachers in Africa make these changes happen.”

TESSA has become an award-winning teacher-training programme that is now reaching more than a million teachers and teacher educators in sub-Saharan Africa. 'Making Teacher Education Relevant for 21st Century Africa' has been made possible with the support of The Allan and Nesta Ferguson Charitable Trust.


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