

Freda Wolfenden, The Open University
Lina Adinolfi, The Open University
Simon Cross, The Open University
Fiona Henry, The Open University
Clare Lee, The Open University
Kimberly Safford, The Open University


Funding is gratefully acknowledged from the Department for International Development, UK.


High quality teaching is recognised as central to student learning but pedagogic change at scale in teacher education remains elusive. TESS-India (Teacher Education through School-based Support in India) offers an  innovative response to this challenge,  harnessing contemporary ideas on open learning and the increasing availability of mobile technology to generate multilingual Open Educational Resources (OER) toolkits in support of improvements in the classroom practices of teachers in multiple contexts across India.  

In associated research, we adopt a sociocultural approach to attempt to understand how the integrated participatory approach of TESS-India and its use of OER as a means for change, enables sustainable transformation in teacher education systems.


Freda Wolfenden

Contact us

To find out more about our work, or to discuss a potential project, please contact:

International Development Research Office
Faculty of Arts and Social Sciences
The Open University
Walton Hall
Milton Keynes
United Kingdom

T: +44 (0)1908 858502
E: international-development-research@open.ac.uk