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Level 0
- Know what is meant by plagiarism, and the need to credit the work of others in own assessed work
- Follow good practice in the management of predefined information; save links from searches
- Use simple spreadsheet features and visual representations of data
10th September 2021
- Distinguish between types of information using given sources and follow instructions to carry out a basic search
Select information sources
10th September 2021
- Distinguish between examples of high- and low-quality information and follow instructions to evaluate it
Evaluate quality of information
- Distinguish between examples of information of high and low quality on the web; follow instructions for its evaluation
10th September 2021
- Share digital content for study with peers using collaborative software
Recognise the benefits of group work and differentiate between formal and informal social networking sites
Use digital tools and software
10th September 2021
- Participate in online learning
- Consider the rights, wrongs and possible consequences of online behaviour
- Look after own digital wellbeing
- Be aware of own digital footprint
10th September 2021