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PhD studentships now closed for applications

******Applications now closed*******

These PhDs are being offered in the School of Physical Sciences:

PS3 - Aerosol formation and the entrainment of organic biosignatures within cryovolcanic plumes at Enceladus and other icy ocean worlds

PS5 - Potential bio-signatures in the sub-surface ocean of Enceladus

PS6 - Hydrogen availability in the Europan subsurface

PS8 - Ancient Environments on Mars as seen from a Rover Perspective


Select how to apply for more details on the process
The deadline for these PhD applications is 21st January 2022.
These CENTA funded PhD are being offered in the School of Environment, Earth and Ecosystem Sciences:

Select how to apply for more details on the process

The deadline for applications is 7th January 2022.


This OU STEM funded PhD is being offered in the School of Environment, Earth and Ecosystem Sciences:
The deadline for applications was 7th January 2022.