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Molecular Microbial Ecology Group Meeting (MMEG)

MMEGThe Open University will be hosting the 26th Molecular Microbial Ecology Group meeting (MMEG) on the 5th and 6th of December. MMEG is an annual two-day meeting that provides an opportunity for early career researchers (students and postdoctoral researchers) to present their work to their peers and established researchers within the microbiology community. MMEG has been proven to be an important meeting for microbiology community, providing an opportunity to gain feedback on research, develop networks and identify potential collaborations. The meeting rotates in venue each year, with 2019 representing the first year that the Open University is hosting the meeting.

The conference is proudly sponsored by multiple organisations and societies. Sponsors that are continuing with their support of the conference series and of early career researchers are the FEMS journal “FEMS Microbiology Letters”, the International Society for Microbial Ecology (ISME), PCR BioSystems and the Microbiology Society Early Career Microbiologist’s Forum and Journals “Microbial Genomics” and the “International Journal of Systematic and Evolutionary Microbiology”. MMEG 2019 is also being supported by first time sponsors, The Geomicrobiology Society, The Astrobiology Society of Britain and the Genetics Society. Support from these sponsors has allowed MMEG2019 to be a more accessible conference with their funding enabling the availability of travel grants and carer grants to help early career researchers attend the meeting. This is in addition to the supply of prizes for the best oral and poster presentations in a range of different categories (Taxonomy, Genomics and Microbial Ecology).

MMEG Sponsors' logos