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Olga’s Chronicles: Day 25 of War

Olga is organising shelter for internally displaced families in western Ukraine. She has mobilised local support from her fellow villagers to transform the premises, formerly offices, into homes. They are helping to supply and install washing machines, microwaves, showers, as well as play areas for children. Olga knows what it’s like to flee as a family with children. She made that journey after Russia invaded her home in Donetsk in 2014. She is struggling to pay for the additional electricity costs. Read her other blogs here: view Olga’s Chronicles.

Please help Olga to help others and donate to her Go Fund Me.

20th March 2022

No Weekend in War

There is no weekend in war!

But there should be

At least a few hours, a day

No news, no calls, no fuss.

This morning I realized

Almost a month now

I don’t know what day of the week it is or

what date it is

I feel ill

Panic is growing

Exhaustion physical and mental

No, I’m not crying.

Nope I’m not running away.

No, I’m not giving up.

Just wanna get some sleep and relax.

To be enough for another one

To have enough stamina to continue

Otherwise, I will have to be saved

In the midst of all these events that’s not a good idea

I embrace you all

I encourage everyone to remember themselves

To renew their resources in a timely manner.

At least for a few hours.

To do the usual things

To bring us back to feeling safe

At least partially

And this will be the support needed

To replenish life energy.

Without any accusations.

Because we are not guilty

For taking this opportunity.

I know for sure that I have to live

Living is easier when we are useful

by Olga Olenichenko

Hand with pink nail polish
Image from Olga

If you want to help, you can go to these links to get more information:

Donate to help Olga

Ukraine Humanitarian Appeal

How you can help from the UK by donating cash and supplies

Contact: Marie Gillespie