a large and vibrant mural of two intense, striking blue eyes. Between the eyes, there is a painted flower with green and red petals

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Identity Over Time

During the pandemic, Spanish speakers and learners participated in workshops using photography to investigate their changing identities through the Past, the Present Pandemic, and Uncertain Futures.

The group of photographers consisted of exiles from Chile in the 1970s through to today’s refugees from Venezuela and El Salvador in collaboration with Spanish speaking Swansea locals.

Workshops were led by the renowned photographer Humberto Gatica Leyton, Andrea Ibarra Abreu, a visual artist and undergraduate at Trinity St David University, Charly Ibarra Abreu, a digital artist and media studies student at Swansea University and Carlos Ibarra Rivadeneira, educationalist and refugee support worker. They will lead the session alongside Patricia Rodríguez-Martínez Jones who leads the Iberian and Latin American Association in Wales (ILA). You can read more about the workshops and the process on the About page of the digital exhibition.

Through the work within collaborative workshops, participants were able to present 3, 6 or 9 images representing their past, present and future for an in-person Exhibition, which launched at The Volcano Theatre, Swansea, in April 2022.

Covid Chronicles from the Margins worked alongside the exhibition leads to then create a digital version of the exhibition…

The Identity Over Time Digital Exhibition is now live.

Identity Over Time