In this moving film produced exclusively for the Covid Chronicles: From the Margins project, Aline shares her story. Aline is a mother, wife and a tailor. She is also a refugee from Burundi living in Kampala, Uganda.
Aline has faced so many challenges during the lockdown but the biggest was the loss of her daughter who tragically died at the age of 7 from a heart condition.
This film was produced by Daniel Kavimba, the founder of NURU, a youth organisation in Uganda which supports refugees. He told us:
“Aline has suffered a lot trying to save the life of her daughter. Lockdown caused immense financial instability for her family as her husband also lost his job. Due to a lack of funding for medical treatment, Aline ended up losing her child. The death of her daughter has affected her psychologically and she has lost hope for a better life.”
Daniel Kavimba is a professional filmmaker who is also a refugee living in Uganda. He was commissioned to produce this film for the project and one of our team has personally set up a GoFundMe campaign to raise money for Aline and her family. You can donate here.