a large and vibrant mural of two intense, striking blue eyes. Between the eyes, there is a painted flower with green and red petals

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Motto of the Day, by Dino

Motto of the Day


La devise du jour

certaines personnes te paraissent comme de l’or, tandis que d’autres ne valent, à tes yeux pas plus qu’ un morceau de bois. mais il arrive un moment ou, près de te noyer dans l’ocean des épreuves de la vie, tu t’aperçois que le moreau de bois, auquel tu t’accroches instinctivement, et plus utile et plus précieux que tout l’or qui ne serverait qu’à te couler d’avantage.

salutations Dino  


Motto of the Day

Some people look like gold, where others, in your eyes, are only worth a piece of wood. But there comes a time when you are close to drowning in the ocean of the trials of life, and you realise that piece of wood, which you instinctively cling to, is more useful and more precious than all the gold, which would only sink you deeper. 


by Dino

Translated by Helen Hintjens