a large and vibrant mural of two intense, striking blue eyes. Between the eyes, there is a painted flower with green and red petals

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Uganda Environmental Documentary ahead of COP 26

This film was produced exclusively for the Cov19 Chronicles from the Margins project by Daniel Kavimba, the founder of NURU, a youth organisation in Uganda that supports refugees. This documentary, published ahead of COP 26, highlights many of the key environmental challenges faced by those living in Uganda. It is crucial the international community, particularly in Asia Pacific, North America and Europe, recognise the devastating impact irresponsible energy production, waste management and industrial processes are having on the rest of the world. The continent of Africa is responsible for producing some of the lowest carbon dioxide emissions in the world. Daniel urges us to recognise the devastating impact of single-use plastics and compromised water quality. Daniel Kavimba is a professional filmmaker and refugee who was commissioned to produce this film for this project.

Uganda Environmental Documentary ahead of COP 26