a large and vibrant mural of two intense, striking blue eyes. Between the eyes, there is a painted flower with green and red petals

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Word Art

Diary reflection on Time

hourglass and a flower bouquet

Vicky’s hand-written diary entry dated 21.06.2020 starts by asking us as readers to: think about what you really care about.

1st December 2023

“Thank God it’s just a nightmare”

a blurry image of group people in black and white

Vicky’s poem / diary entry 25.06.2020: “It’s a Nightmare and I’m alive / It’s dark and frightful / I can hear the ambulances / People running everywhere in all directions / My heart races fast / I turn around and stil

1st December 2023

Thank you NHS and frontline workers

Thank you NHS - hand-written card

”My daughter who is staying at home and is unable to go to school due to Covid-19 has seen this poem somewhere online and thought she would write it down and colour it.

1st December 2023

Eid in the time of Corona

Pack of sweets, balloon and card

The word ‘Eid’ means ‘feast’ or ‘festival’.

1st December 2023

World view challenged

World View, written by Sergio Carlos

Sergio is a Black American citizen but born and raised in Venezuela. He migrated looking for a better future for his family.

1st December 2023

Thursday Clapping found us new friends

Drawings and artwork

“It was a good experience for me. Before the pandemic, I didn’t have any idea about my neighbours. Now we are clapping NHS each Thursday, and while clapping I met with my neighbours. Each week they prepare something for my children. One week squash and haribo. One week they gave colouring books and pencils.”

1st December 2023

Out Out


A satirical combination; material of a well known comedian and UK government policy.

1st December 2023

Nation / Imagination

Graffiti: The only good nation is IMAGINATION

Pandemic graffiti seen in South Wales during COVID-19.

1st December 2023

This is not Europe: An apology

a wall graffiti "I am so sorry refugees, this is not europe"

On the external borders of Europe, tens of thousands of refugees’ lives are suspended in limbo while they await their asylum claims to be processed.

1st December 2023

Moria Camp, Lesvos, Greece

Moria refugee camp on the Greek island of Lesvos

Photos by journalist Katy Fallon who reported on the destruction of Moria refugee camp on the Greek island of Lesvos in September.

1st December 2023

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