Centre for Scholarship and Innovation

eSTEeM logo, a white hexagon, surrounded by six white hexagons, all in a blue circle

Welcome to eSTEeM

Centre for Scholarship and Innovation

eSTEeM is the Faculty of Science, Technology, Engineering and Mathematics Centre for Scholarship and Innovation based at The Open University. Established in 2010, eSTEeM brings together STEM academic, academic-related staff and students to promote the scholarship of teaching and learning (SoTL) in open and distance learning.

Our portfolio of projects includes work on assessment, technologies for STEM learning and improved methods of student support. Many of our scholarship projects focus on how we can enhance the student experience with an increasing number investigating and evaluating innovative approaches to teaching and learning in STEM.

What is scholarship?

Scholarship refers to a set of activities which lead to evidence-informed innovation that will enhance teaching and learning for the benefit of students. 

Scholarship of Teaching and Learning (SoTL) is important in three respects:

For students allowing us to systematically evaluate our teaching to improve the quality of student learning;

For academic disciplines and institutions ensuring that we base innovation and future development on robust evaluation and enabling our teaching and learning to be recognised externally for its excellence and impact;

For practitioners allowing staff to develop their professional practice in the field of teaching and learning. 

Scholarship of Teaching and Learning in STEM Badged Open Course

This free Badged Open Course provides a toolkit for conducting Scholarship of Teaching and Learning (SoTL) in STEM.

Enrol now


New editions to the eSTEeM project portfolio

Read all about our newest batch of projects.

2nd July 2024

Submissions invited for the 1st eSTEeM Conference Proceedings

Submissions from OU colleagues are invited for eSTEeM's first conference proceedings publication.

7th May 2024

Increasing the Impact of Scholarship at the eSTEeM Annual Conference

Round-up from the 13th eSTEeM Annual Conference 2024.

18th April 2024

The Benefits of Developing a Community of Practice for OU Associate Lecturers

Tema George, Associate Lecturer in the School of Engineering and Innovation, provides her reflections on the INTED 2024 Conference, whch took place on the 4-6 March in Valencia.

11th March 2024
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Upcoming Events

Jul 10

eSTEeM Community Event: Theory of Change: Developing pathways to impactful scholarship

Wednesday, July 10, 2024 - 10:00 to 12:00

Via MS Teams

Contact: eSTEeM

Jul 11

eSTEeM Community Event: Responsible scholarship and gaining approvals for your project

Thursday, July 11, 2024 - 11:30 to 13:00

Via MS Teams

Contact: eSTEeM

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