Centre for Scholarship and Innovation
eSTEeM’s annual conference will take place on the 30 April – 1 May 2025 and will take place via MS Teams. Titled Innovations in Impact, this year’s event will be an online conference with a difference. We want to challenge our presenters to find innovative and engaging methods of disseminating their practice. We are asking you to think outside of the box of the traditional 20-minute PowerPoint presentation and instead devise a way of communicating your ideas that immerses the audience within your scholarship thereby creating an interactive experience.
The format of your session will be driven by the messages you wish to convey, for example you may want to give a live demonstration of a student intervention you have designed or hold a discussion between project teams working on similar issues/themes incorporating a Q&A component from the audience. Alternatively, for example, you may want to be really creative and turn your session into a quiz show designed to challenge and inform the participants.
Above all the aim of this conference is to involve and engage the audience as active participants of sessions rather than viewers of presentations. The programme will be designed around the sessions suggested, however will incorporate regular breaks to allow participants time away from their screens.
We appreciate that this is a very different style of conference from one you may have experienced before. You may be struggling to think of a different way to communicate your project - if so, fear not! Please submit your abstract and we will work with you to design a suitable session.
We anticipate that sessions will be 45-minutes in length and can either focus on one single project or a group of projects on a similar theme. Therefore, the abstract submission form will look slightly different to previous years, and we will ask you to submit an abstract about your project and respond to a series of questions about your preferred session style. Don’t worry if you don’t have a fully formed idea at this stage, we can work with you and if required try to partner you with similar projects.
We would like to invite contributions for the following session types:
Please remember that the eSTEeM conference is a dissemination opportunity open to all OU STEM colleagues who are either involved with, or interested in, investigating innovative ways to improve the teaching and learning experience for our students. Therefore, abstracts are welcome from those wishing to showcase their work, share ideas and make new connections with other like-minded colleagues across the STEM Faculty.
Full details regarding the themes and abstract submission process can be found in the Call for Abstract Guidelines, link below under 'Related Resources'. Submissions should be made via the online abstract submission form, link below.
The deadline for submissions is 17.00 on Friday 14th February 2025. If you have any queries, please do not hesitate to contact us at esteem@open.ac.uk.
We look forward to receiving your submissions.
Tuesday, February 18, 2025 - 11:00 to 12:00
Via MS Teams
Contact: SRPP
Tuesday, February 18, 2025 - 14:00 to 15:00
Via MS Teams
Contact: eSTEeM