Centre for Scholarship and Innovation
Anne Adams, IET
Getting Started with Qualitative Data Collection and Analysis:
Initially this workshop will give a SHORT review of the key points behind how to collect qualitative data or data from open ended sections in questionnaires, in-depth interviews, focus groups and online data (e.g. forums) to the coding of field notes, observational studies and video analysis.
This will be followed by a simple introduction of the first stages in analysing this type of data and point towards more detailed analysis as requested by the participants.
Finally, examples from previous published studies that have used observational data, field notes, qualitative analysis will be presented and examples of how this data can be presented and published.
The use of technology to support analysis e.g. NVivo, Atlas Ti, Nudist, Excel & mind-mapping tools will also be introduced.
Refreshments will be provided. Please confirm your attendance by emailing your details to Diane Ford at esteem@open.ac.uk by 23rd June 2011.
Tuesday, March 18, 2025 - 11:00 to 12:00
Via MS Teams
Contact: SRPP
Tuesday, March 18, 2025 - 14:00 to 15:00
Via MS Teams
Contact: eSTEeM