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eSTEeM induction session for STEM Staff Tutors

Wednesday, April 6, 2022 - 15:00 to 16:00
Via Microsoft Teams

All recently appointed OU Staff Tutors in STEM are invited to attend an induction session that will give an overview of eSTEeM – The OU’s Centre for STEM Pedagogy.

Established in 2010, eSTEeM is one of four faculty-based Scholarship and Innovation Centres at the OU. Our purpose is to promote and empower practitioner-led, evidence-informed scholarship in open and distance STEM education. Our aim is to deliver excellence for our own students and contribute to the further development of STEM pedagogy within higher education through the Scholarship of Teaching and Learning (SoTL). eSTEeM routinely supports projects led by members of the faculty to investigate teaching and learning in STEM.

Staff Tutors account for a significant proportion of our eSTEeM community as project team members and leaders. Many Staff Tutors value the opportunity to engage in SoTL projects, not only as a way of evaluating our teaching and student support but also for the professional development it brings them. As Line Managers of Associate Lecturers, Staff Tutors also need to know about AL involvement in eSTEeM projects.

While the session is aimed particularly at those who are new to the Open University, all STEM Staff Tutors would be welcome to attend.

The session will take place on Wednesday 6th April, 14.00-15.00 via MS Teams, the session will also be recorded for those who are unable to attend. If you would like to attend, please visit My Learning Centre by Friday 1st April to book your place.

Related resources: 
File 20220406-eSTEeM-induction_STEM_Staff_Tutors.pptx3.5 MB


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