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eSTEeM Seminar Series: Lessons from a recent sector seminar: Reducing inequitable outcomes for BAME students

Thursday, September 24, 2020 - 15:00 to 16:00
Via MS Teams

eSTEeM Seminar Series

This session will explore with faculty colleagues six lessons which might help all of us start to address this issue.

  1. The term BAME, and its use, needs to be considered carefully.  BAME can homogenise and therefore mask difference, and as an acronym can feel dehumanising. BAME also suggests white and others. Is this what we mean?

  2. The institution needs open conversations about the need to change and the actions to be taken. Does presentation of gaps demotivate students and staff?

  3. Change needs to happen institution-wide and be properly resourced. An inclusive framework rather than tackling curriculum in isolation?

  4. EDI is often felt as a passive capture of status and amendment to long-existed structures. Do we need change to deconstruct and reassemble a new inclusive system?

  5. Student involvement is key and co-creation of curriculum, assessment and systems introduces expertise currently in short supply. Have we accounted for our predominantly white workforce?

  6. Language is important: there is a big difference between diversity (being invited to the party) and inclusion (dancing and having a good time). Can we be more inclusive

Facilitated by Professor John Butcher and Darren Gray (Access, Participation and Success)


Related resources: 
File STEM-seminar-24-9-20-FINALv2.pptx2.71 MB

Presentation from eSTEeM Seminar Series: Reducing inequitable outcomes for BAME students

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