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Project Planning Workshop Series

Wednesday, January 12, 2011 - 09:30 to 12:30
Meeting Room 8, 1st Floor, Perry E Building

The eSTEeM manifesto was launched on 10th December. It provides us with an agenda that describes the areas that will be supported by eSTEeM and an indication of the opportunities for involvement. The purpose of these workshops is to start the process of developing specific projects and activities that match the agenda. 

***Project development workshop I ***
12th January, 9:30 - 12:30, Meeting Room 8, 1st Floor, East Perry.

This workshop will begin the project planning process. Attendees will help to identify project activities that eSTEeM could fund and will begin the project planning process. Questions about the project plan submission procedure and criteria for acceptance of projects will be clarified. By the end of the workshop attendees will have an outline of the projects that they would like to pursue and that are potentially suitable for support. Any issues needing clarification will have been identified.

 ***Project development workshop II***
25th January, 12:30/13:30 - 15:30, Meeting Room 8, 1st Floor, East Perry.

The workshop will be divided into two strands. The first hour will be dedicated to those of you who were unable to make the first workshop on the 12th January; it will provide you with an introduction and discussion of the project planning process. 

We would then ask all other attendees to arrive at 13:30 for the second strand of the workshop which will include an introduction to evaluation and dissemination strategies. 

Significant time will then be allocated to personal development or refinement of emerging project plans, members of eSTEeM will be on hand to provide advice and support.

For this workshop it would be useful if attendees have clarified all issues and carried out any necessary consultations with line managers.

N.B. Although we are intending to be as flexible as possible it will be very helpful if those wishing to pursue eSTEeM projects attempt to attend Workshop I to give you plenty of opportunity to start the planning process, identify issues and have them resolved prior to the submission deadline of 4th February. However, if you are only able to make the second workshop there will be opportunities for you to discuss your ideas with faculty advisors prior to and at the workshops. Further details about project plan procedures will be circulated on the 12th January. We anticipate that projects will start in the Spring. ***

Please confirm your attendance to any of the workshops by emailing; your details, any special requirements and which workshop(s) you wish to attend to Diane Ford at by 7th January.

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Tuesday, March 18, 2025 - 11:00 to 12:00

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Wednesday, April 30, 2025 - 10:00 to Thursday, May 1, 2025 - 16:00

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