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Geospatial Technologies in Higher Education: Saviour or Sideshow?

Tuesday, January 18, 2011 - 09:30 to 17:30
The Open University, Walton Hall, Milton Keynes
Dr Tom Argles

Higher Education Network of the Geological Society

Hosted by: eSTEeM and the Department of Environment, Earth and Ecosystems

Dr Claire Jarvis, University of Leicester
Dr Richard Walker, University of Durham

Registration fees:
Full rate £25
Student rate £10 (First 10 registrations are FREE!)

Please visit the HEN website ( and follow the meeting link to register.

No accommodation is included in the registration fee.


DEADLINE for Submissions: 25th November 2011

We invite oral and poster contributions on the broad interface between geospatial technologies and teaching practice in the Geographical, Earth and Environmental Sciences.

This meeting aims to provoke a lively, informed debate between teachers, students, practitioners, employers and other stakeholders on the merits or otherwise of geospatial technologies in the GEES disciplines. Should they be used in education at all? Are there effective strategies to introduce them, perhaps in particular situations such as fieldwork? Does the answer lie in a blend of the traditional and the technological? Or should we embrace these high-tech tools unreservedly, to ensure our students don’t lag behind modern professional practices?

We also encourage papers on other aspects of teaching and learning in the geosciences.

Details on abstract submission can be found on the HEN website, or contact Dr Tom Argles (

Supported by:

  • The Geological Society of London
  • ESRI

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