Centre for Scholarship and Innovation
Previous scholarship has shown that students with extensions have poorer outcomes on modules and that extensions are used by a higher proportion of students within Equality, Diversity, Inclusion and Accessibility (EDIA) groups.
Findings from Doye & Hassan (2021), which looked at DD102 (Introducing the social sciences) and A105 (Voices, texts and material culture), stated:
Findings from Halliwell & Brown (2021) stated:
Full analysis of the statistics on the use of extensions on T192 (Engineering: origins, methods, context) and T194 (Engineering: maths, modelling, applications), and the outcomes for students, will be completed as part of the project, however some initial analysis has been done on data from the 18J (October 2018) to 21J (October 2021) presentations of T192, T193 (Engineering: framework, analysis, products) and T194, which has shown the following:
However, while we can see correlations between extensions and student outcomes, the actual student experience of requesting an extension and the Associate Lecturer (AL) experience of granting or not extensions is not well understood. In addition, the equitability of extensions is not clear, particularly the equitability for different student communities. The aim of the project is to observe the current situation to gain an initial understanding of experiences around extensions which will then inform further scholarship and possibly practice. A further stage might involve trialling interventions, such as additional support for students with extensions or additional training/guidance to ALs on how to use extensions effectively. The project will focus on students and ALs on the stage 1 engineering modules, T192 and T194. T193 has not been included within this first stage of the project for two reasons; firstly to limit the scope of the project to something that can be achieved in the timeframe and also because looking at T192 and T194 will enable us to observe any changes in use of extensions by students as they progress through Stage 1.
The objectives of the project are:
We will share the scholarship within relevant areas. We also hope to use the findings to inform future scholarship, with the ultimate outcome being to help Engineering & Innovation (E&I) ALs improve their support to students with extensions, improve the outcomes for those students and improve retention.
Halliwell, C., Brown, C., (2021) How are students using extensions and what is the impact on their success? Available at: Catherine Halliwell and Cath Brown, Students using extensions. eSTEeM Final Report.pdf
Doye, Z., Hassan, I., (2021) An enquiry into the impact of assessment extensions on two level 1 module. Available at: Project 41 Final report enquiry into the impact of extensions.docx (Intranet only)