Centre for Scholarship and Innovation
In this presentation, we will cover the key findings from this three year study which has included the following aspects of this topic –
The pandemic involved an abrupt transition from an in-person exam hall experience to remote, online exams completed in an uncontrolled setting with potential for IT issues and other disruptions. In response to this change, enhanced support was offered to SPS and LHCS students in the form of large-scale pre-exam preparation sessions to support students to effectively prepare for and engage with their remote exams, while also hopefully allaying their pre-exam anxiety and increasing their self-efficacy. Feedback about the exam preparation sessions and the students’ exam experience was obtained via a post-exam survey and e-mail interviews and focus group analysis were also conducted to gain greater understanding of some of the issues raised in the survey feedback. We will present our project findings and recommendations of how best to prepare and support students to achieve their potential in remote exams.
This event is open to OU staff, please visit the registration form to sign-up. Registration will close at midday on the 14th November. If you would like to attend, but have not regsitered by then, please contact esteem@open.ac.uk.
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Tuesday, March 18, 2025 - 11:00 to 12:00
Via MS Teams
Contact: SRPP
Tuesday, March 18, 2025 - 14:00 to 15:00
Via MS Teams
Contact: eSTEeM