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Scholarship at The Open University

The adoption of a university-wide Scholarship Plan in October 2018 led to the creation of Scholarship and Innovation Centres in each of the faculties, and an increased focus on evidencing excellence in teaching and learning. This Scholarship Plan supported a university-wide unified approach to scholarship that accelerated and increased the impact of the University's excellence in scholarship applied across all disciplines for the benefit of OU students. 

A new five-year Scholarship Plan was approved in January 2024 and builds on the strengths of the four faculty-based Centres for Scholarship and Innovation and aims to enhance the impact of scholarship activities on student outcomes and learning experiences both at the OU and in the wider higher education community. We are delighted to be working closely with our centre colleagues from across the University.


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LATIS - Learning And Teaching Innovation and Scholarship ran from September 2018 until July 2020 (intranet)

Scholarship of Teaching and Learning at The OU