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  4. Postcode Inequity: Closing the Awarding Gap for Stage 1 STEM Students residing in our most deprived UK postcodes

Postcode Inequity: Closing the Awarding Gap for Stage 1 STEM Students residing in our most deprived UK postcodes

The STEM faculty has identified the awarding gap between IMDQ1 and IMDQ5 (most and least deprived) UK postcodes as a priority under APS (Access Participation and Success) criteria. We have identified that Gateway STEM modules in Science (S111 and SDK100) and Environment (U116), have awarding gaps between 10% and over 25% depending on module and presentation (see Figure 1).

Awarding Gaps graph for IMD1 and IMD5 on Stage 1 Science modules








Figure 1 Awarding gaps for IMD1 vs IMD5 students on gateway stage 1 science modules

There is very limited research in this area, particularly part-time distance learning. We intend to survey IMDQ1 students on the three science modules about their experiences and offer follow-up focus group discussions for those willing to speak direct to the project team to develop a better understanding of the barriers faced by the students. We will send the same survey questions to IMDQ5 students to enable a direct point of comparison.

Furthermore, we intend to compare the 3 science modules with 2 modules from Engineering and Innovation (T192, T193) and 1 gateway design module (U101) by sending the same survey to students residing in IMD1 and IMD5 on these wider STEM modules to see if the same issues faced by our Gateway Stage 1 Science modules are more widespread across STEM.

We will also undertake a parallel intersectional study for IMDQ1 and IMDQ5 students with other characteristics such as ethnicity. Furthermore, we are particularly interested in those who are studying full time and/or are carers and/or are in full-time or multiple employment. Using the themes identified from the data gathered, the project team will consider recommendations for any module-specific interventions (production and presentation). Outputs from the project will also inform the production of the new stage 1 science curriculum modules. Later we will disseminate findings to a wider audience, raising awareness of the issues identified, via recommendations, seminars and other events.

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File Louise-MacBrayne-Jennie-Bellamy.pptx127.94 KB

Project poster.