Centre for Scholarship and Innovation
This project was set up to investigate the short term opportunities in international markets (focus on Portugal and Brazil) for the OU’s postgraduate offerings in ICT & Computing (with a focus on software engineering). It aimed at finding out the the gaps in traditional postgraduate provision (in countries like Portugal and Brazil) that could present an opportunity for the OU.
It became soon evident that:
Therefore the focus of the project became postgraduate education at a distance in Brazil, more specifically in the area of ICT & Computing.
It also became clear from early on that countries like Brazil are not open to just buying whatever offerings the OU may have. They are, instead, interested in ongoing collaborations, in learning from the experience the OU can offer in distance education, in adapting this experience to the local situation, and in developing their own resources.
The main outcomes from this project are:
This research was triggered by the visit of a Brazilian colleague to the OU for the period of 2/2011 to 2/2012. Prof. Itana Gimenes is a professor in Software Engineering interested in models for postgraduate education at a distance that are applicable to the demands of the Brazilian context.