Centre for Scholarship and Innovation
The search found 29 result(s)
The aim of this project is to evaluate the level of student engagement with the online quizzes on S217 Physics: from Classical to Quantum, comparing the current model of assessment with a formative thresholded assessment model which has been shown to have a marked positive impact on stud
Highly Commended at the 1st eSTEeM Scholarship Projects of the Year Awards 2018 under the category – Enhancing the Student Experience.
The overall aim of this project was to investigate how STEM academics are currently using social media to engage with existing professional networks and extended communities, and to explore ways to support those who want to use these tools more effectively. The project explores the following:
The aim of this project was to conduct a scoping study into why lower numbers of female graduates choose nuclear fusion Ph.D.s relative to other physical sciences. This is a particularly nuanced study as we are considering the nuclear fusion research pathway in comparison to other STEM routes.
This project will investigate whether our current C&C curriculum meets the personal and professional aspirations and employability needs of our students and identify curriculum-gaps from our students’ perspectives.
This project investigated the use of online technologies for the delivery of careers and employability advice to distance learning STEM students with the aim of informing the future development of careers and employability provision.
The ‘Hybrid Digital Material Networked Learning’ project or 'The Mongrel Project’ aimed to explore learning experiences involving networked physical and digital resources.
This project captured and identified the practice of tutorial observations from two different perspectives: the perspective of the distance learning tutor, and the perspective of their manager or staff tutor.
We describe findings from a study based upon a collaborative project carried out online as the end of module assessment activity of a multidisciplinary science module at the UK Open University.
This project was funded by the OU's Study Experience Programme New Models of Assessment and Tuition Project.
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