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eSTEeM Projects

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    Are You Ready for Your Studies - Are we Assessing Students Readiness? An evaluation of the usefulness of the Level 2 ARFY quizzes

  1. Soraya Kouadri MostéfaouiOli Howson
  2. The aim of this project is to investigate the success of using the diagnostic AYRF ('Are You Ready For') quizzes and their role in preparing undergraduate students for their level 2 modules (TT284 (Web technologies) M269 (Algorithms, data structures & computability) and M250

    November 2019 to September 2024

    Gender Differences in completion and credit obtained in Level 2 study in Physical Sciences

  3. Pam Budd
  4. Winner of the 2nd Best Poster Competition at the 6th eSTEeM Annual Conference, 25-26 April 2017.

    December 2014 to February 2018

    Summer Series of Journal Clubs: an opportunity to develop employability skills and a sense of community amongst students in secure environments

  5. Karen NewFiona MoormanHannah Gauci
  6. In keeping with the ethos ‘open to all’, The Open University (OU) has provided higher education opportunities to students in secure environments (SiSE) for over 40 years, currently reaching over 150 secure environments (Open University, 2020).

    June 2019 to January 2021

    Skills progression in practical science within the Life Sciences

  7. Janet Haresnape
  8. Employability is an increasingly important concern in contemporary Higher Education (HE).

    May 2017 to March 2022

    Evaluating a new STEM AL induction programme

  9. Hannah GauciJanette Wallace
  10. Highly Commended at the 5th eSTEeM Scholarship Projects of the Year Awards 2022.

    October 2019 to July 2021

    Strategies to support students and tutors with online collaborative projects: an action research project

  11. Shirley EvansWinston GrahamManish Malik
  12. Development of group working skills is important both in terms of employability and as part of a collaborative learning approach but students may not always recognise the importance of it.

    September 2019 to September 2020

    Evaluation and improvement of print packs use for Environmental Science students

  13. Fiona AikenChris Hutton
  14. There is a legal requirement to provide students who have declared disabilities with reasonable adjustments which address their learning needs. An Advance HE report on this (Falsinger & Bryford, 2010) includes ‘resources available’ as a reasonable adjustment to address.

    October 2021 to August 2024

    Perceptions, Expectations and Experience of Group Tuition: towards a shared understanding amongst stakeholders (part II: the student perspective)

  15. Anne CampbellMark JonesAnne-Marie Gallen
  16. Winner of the 6th eSTEeM Scholarship Projects of the Year Award 2023.

    May 2018 to January 2023

    Enhancing Systems Thinking in Practice at the Workplace

  17. Martin Reynolds
  18. The eSTEeM project was an 18-month systemic inquiry beginning January 2014 initiated by a core team of 5 academics associated with the production and presentation of the postgraduate programme in Systems Thinking in Practice (STiP).

    December 2013 to August 2016

    A Flexible Start to M140

  19. Carol Calvert
  20. Winner of the 1st eSTEeM Scholarship Projects of the Year Award 2018 under the category Enhancing the Student Experience.

    May 2017 to August 2018