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eSTEeM Projects

eSTEeM is providing a mechanism for professional development through practice-based scholarship within a mentored community. Much of our work is organised on a project basis with project management aimed at the delivery of new educational outcomes and scholarship outputs. 

eSTEeM supports a rolling portfolio of approx. 80 active scholarship projects under a number of themes which include:

  • Access, Participation and Success
  • Innovative assessment
  • Online/onscreen STEM practice
  • Supporting students
  • Technologies for STEM learning

To learn more about our projects, please click on the project titles or use the search feature below by entering keywords. To search by the name of a project leader, please use the 'Filter by Project Leader' tab on the right-hand side of this page.

The search found 185 result(s)

Search results

    Wisdom from Groups

  1. Simon Bell
  2. The project themes can be set out in short hand as follows: Online group work. How we get better at it, the need to do more, providing students with experience, innovation in method and reaching out by means of a story set out in a graphic novel.

    October 2017 to March 2019

    Longitudinal impact of visiting scholarships on the professional practice of scholars from China

  3. Mark EndeanDaphne Chang
  4. Staff in academic and academic-related posts at other higher education institutions worldwide have been welcome at the OU since its founding in 1969.

    October 2017 to October 2020

    Active learning in synchronous online tuition: increasing student interaction

  5. Katrine Rogers
  6. Highly Commended at the 3rd eSTEeM Scholarship Projects of the Year Awards 2020 under the category – Enhancing the Student Experience.

    September 2017 to July 2019

    Development and evaluation of a software tool for automated Java specification marking

  7. Anton Dil
  8. Highly Commended at the 2nd eSTEeM Scholarship Projects of the Year Awards 2019 under the category - Innovative/Original Approach to Teaching.

    October 2017 to October 2018

    Analytics for tracking student engagement

  9. Christine Gardner
  10. Although there has been much research in the area of data analytics in recent years (e.g. Shum and Ferguson 2012), there are questions regarding which analytic methodologies can be most effective in informing higher education teaching and learning practices (Gibson and de Freitas, 2016).

    October 2017 to February 2021

    Using Student Analytics with tutors to increase retention

  11. Katie Chicot
  12. Highly Commended at the 2nd eSTEeM Scholarship Projects of the Year Awards 2019 under the category - Enhancing the Student Experience.

    November 2017 to August 2018

    Developing a sense of community through cross‐level engagement between staff and students in creative industries subjects

  13. Nicole Lotz
  14. The overall project set out to pilot and evaluate innovative programme level blended engagement events that aim to create a community of learners across a qualification.

    November 2017 to June 2020

    Assessment banking – useful break or deferred withdrawal? An investigation of the outcomes and experience for students who have assessment banked

  15. Linda Robson
  16. One of the options for students facing difficulties with their studies is to assessment bank their TMAs and take an extended break, with the intention of returning at the same point in the next presentation of their module.

    November 2017 to July 2024

    Piloting OU Analyse and the Student Probabilities Model on 12 STEM Modules

  17. Carlton WoodSteve Walker
  18. The eSTEeM project Piloting OU Analyse and the Student Probabilities Model on 12 STEM Modules was established in November 2017 and aimed to explore whether, and how, these two learning analytics tools, could contribute to one of the four priorities - the use of data and analytics -

    May 2017 to August 2019

    Supporting Degree Apprenticeship students: Tutors’ and Students’ perspectives

  19. Soraya Kouadri Mostéfaoui
  20. Recently the UK government has initiated various initiatives and strategies to address the need for increased STEM skills in the workplace.

    October 2017 to September 2021

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