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eSTEeM Projects

eSTEeM is providing a mechanism for professional development through practice-based scholarship within a mentored community. Much of our work is organised on a project basis with project management aimed at the delivery of new educational outcomes and scholarship outputs. 

eSTEeM supports a rolling portfolio of approx. 80 active scholarship projects under a number of themes which include:

  • Access, Participation and Success
  • Innovative assessment
  • Online/onscreen STEM practice
  • Supporting students
  • Technologies for STEM learning

To learn more about our projects, please click on the project titles or use the search feature below by entering keywords. To search by the name of a project leader, please use the 'Filter by Project Leader' tab on the right-hand side of this page.

The search found 94 result(s)

Search results

    Supporting learning with a collaborative notetaking tool to work within a Jupyter Notebook environment

  1. Oli Howson
  2. At the moment M269 students work entirely within the Jupyter infrastructure. Notetaking is not built in to Jupyter, although a rudimentary plugin has been developed for students to do so.

    July 2024 to December 2025

    Improving completion of remote examinations in physics

  3. Sally JordanJonathan NylkBecca Whitehead
  4. The project seeks to extend earlier investigations into the factors that enable students to do themselves justice in remote online exams in physics and related subjects, by encouraging them to attempt the exam in the first place and to complete a reasonable number of questions to an appropriate l

    June 2024 to September 2025

    Gamification to increase participation in maths practice quizzes in Level 1 Engineering modules

  5. Silvia Varagnolo Zahra Golrokhi
  6. The aim of this project is to improve students’ engagement with maths exercise through the gamification of existing practice quizzes. The specific context is T192 (the first module in the Engineering Qualification) which already features weekly maths practice quizzes.

    June 2024 to December 2025

    Exploring student’s self-efficacy in response to modular events during introductory level science modules

  7. Sam Johnson
  8. Self-efficacy is an individual’s belief that they can successfully complete a particular task. Self-efficacy has been shown to be strongly predictive of performance and retention. Current studies are largely cross-sectional and do not explore how self-efficacy changes throughout a module.

    October 2024 to January 2026

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