eSTEeM is providing a mechanism for professional development through practice-based scholarship within a mentored community. Much of our work is organised on a project basis with project management aimed at the delivery of new educational outcomes and scholarship outputs.
eSTEeM supports a rolling portfolio of approx. 80 active scholarship projects under a number of themes which include:
Access, Participation and Success
Innovative assessment
Online/onscreen STEM practice
Supporting students
Technologies for STEM learning
To learn more about our projects, please click on the project titles or use the search feature below by entering keywords. To search by the name of a project leader, please use the 'Filter by Project Leader' tab on the right-hand side of this page.
The search found 31 result(s)
Search results
Nicole Lotz
The project set out to better understand how learners in the Design and Innovation Qualification at the Open University progress in OpenStudio as they move through their qualification.
June 2015 to October 2017
Elaine Thomas Helen Jefferis Soraya Kouadri Mostéfaoui
This project Visualising the code: are students engaging with programming at Level 1? investigated the impact of using a visual programming environment on student engagement with programming.
October 2015 to June 2019
Phil Wheeler Julia Cooke Kadmiel Maseyk Trevor Collins
Fieldwork is a fundamental part of the curriculum in undergraduate biological, environmental, Earth and geographical sciences, but not all students are able to participate in authentic field activities.
October 2016 to December 2020
Anton Dil
Highly Commended at the 2nd eSTEeM Scholarship Projects of the Year Awards 2019 under the category - Innovative/Original Approach to Teaching.
October 2017 to October 2018
Hayley Ryder Tacey O'Neil
In response to the group tuition policy (GTP), on M303 (Further pure mathematics ) we designed a comprehensive list of about 60 tutor-led cluster-level tutorials to replace the standard 7 tutorials per group in a cost neutral way.
January 2018 to February 2024
Suresh Nesaratnam Shahram Taherzadeh
An important aspect of studying a technological module such as T868 Environmental monitoring and protection , is the acquisition of practical skills. Normally such skills are taught through practical sessions in a laboratory. Sometimes they are taught in the field.
June 2018 to March 2019
Rongshan Qin
The project developed a visual interactive learning method to help engineering student to understand basic concepts. Many engineering concepts explain the relationships between various parameters.
August 2018 to August 2021
Sarah Mattingly
Winner of the 4th eSTEeM Scholarship Projects of the Year Award 2021 under the category - Innovative Approach to Teaching.
November 2018 to May 2020
Karen New
This project explored the use of a vision-based augmented reality (AR) application (Heart App), which has been developed by the Open University, specifically for a second level Human Biology module (SK299). November 2018 to April 2020
Lesley Boyd Rob Janes
This project provides one way to answer the need to close the feedback loop between OU tutors and campus-based teams, to develop a joint understanding of teaching and learning design challenges, and to put tutors as close as possible to the development of solutions.
November 2018 to September 2021