eSTEeM is providing a mechanism for professional development through practice-based scholarship within a mentored community. Much of our work is organised on a project basis with project management aimed at the delivery of new educational outcomes and scholarship outputs.
eSTEeM supports a rolling portfolio of approx. 80 active scholarship projects under a number of themes which include:
Access, Participation and Success
Innovative assessment
Online/onscreen STEM practice
Supporting students
Technologies for STEM learning
To learn more about our projects, please click on the project titles or use the search feature below by entering keywords. To search by the name of a project leader, please use the 'Filter by Project Leader' tab on the right-hand side of this page.
The search found 100 result(s)
Search results
Anne-Marie Gallen Clare Reger
Reusability is a key concept for educators. For many of the associate lectures at the Open University, the group tuition policy has resulted in repetition of tutorial structure and delivery with ALs across clusters giving similar tutorials on the same topics at similar times.
March 2019 to October 2019
Rachel Hilliam
The Mathematics and Statistics Study Site was created in September 2017 and was one of a number of pilot study sites in the OU. Many of the resources on the site have grown out of smaller scholarship projects.
May 2019 to December 2020
Georgy Holden
This project sought to understand how the subject sites are being used and how they are perceived by students. The project took the approach of looking at all of the undergraduate subject sites in STEM.
May 2019 to February 2021
Martin Hlosta
Most of the research around the identification of at-risk students and the prediction of their performance using Machine Learning focuses on developing the most accurate model.
April 2019 to October 2020
Eleanor Crabb Jane Loughlin
Credit transfer students are often regarded as having the potential to succeed in distance learning.
May 2019 to December 2021
Shirley Evans Winston Graham Manish Malik
Development of group working skills is important both in terms of employability and as part of a collaborative learning approach but students may not always recognise the importance of it.
September 2019 to September 2020
Catherine Halliwell Cath Brown
Winner of the 5th eSTEeM Scholarship Projects of the Year Award 2022.
May 2019 to November 2021
Catherine Halliwell Jenny Duckworth
The level 3 module Evaluating Contemporary Science (S350), helps students learn, develop and apply important key skills such as evaluation of current science research and communication of these findings to different audiences, along with professional skills such as time-management, giving constru
May 2019 to April 2022
Barbara Jones
The main goal was to analyse what actually occurred in the T313 and T317 TMA and EMA forums and to make comparisons between them with a view to
July 2020 to July 2021
Cathryn Peoples
The literature suggests that students want more from academic staff, from desiring to be treated with explicit respect [[i]] to being co-creators of their teaching and learning material [[ii]] [[iii]].
June 2019 to January 2021