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Innovative assessment

Engaging physics students with the key competencies for sustainability through reflective assessment tasks

  • Martin Braun
  • Recent news on wildfires, flooding and heatwaves illustrates the effect of climate change on humankind. Closely linked is the issue of sustainability, the wise use of resources now so that we and future generations can enjoy a reasonable standard of living.

    November 2023 to September 2025

    How should formative assessments be assessed? A study of S217 online quizzes

  • Jonathan NylkAndy Diament
  • The aim of this project is to evaluate the level of student engagement with the online quizzes on S217 Physics: from Classical to Quantum, comparing the current model of assessment with a formative thresholded assessment model which has been shown to have a marked positive impact on stud

    November 2022 to August 2023

    Changing times, changing pedagogies

  • Rachel Hilliam
  • Since March 2020, there has been much change in the higher education learning and teaching of the mathematical sciences. With the onset of Covid19, universities have needed to rapidly adapt their to teaching to an online environment.

    April 2022 to May 2024

    An evaluation of the impact of changes to assessment practice in a second-year object-oriented Java programming module

  • Anton DilSharon Dawes
  • The level two module Object-oriented programming with Java (M250) was rewritten for 2021, informed by student feedback and changes to our Level 1 offerings.

    April 2022 to February 2024

    Pair marking: Working together to improve our teaching

  • Nigel GibsonKate Sim
  • This project aims to investigate using dynamically shared marking documents to support new tutors. In the process it will also provide this group some additional mentoring, and it allow experienced tutors to reflect on their own work and to share and develop good practice.

    October 2021 to June 2023

    Challenges of assessment for a level 3 interdisciplinary module: an AL and student perspective

  • Jenny DuckworthHarriet Marshall
  • Student engagement and learning is strongly driven by assessment feedback. On the interdisciplinary module SDT306 (Environment: Responding to Change), tutors grade and provide feedback against learning outcomes (LOs) using a marking grid.

    August 2021 to February 2023

    Student co-design of confidence-building formative assessment for Level 1 Computing & IT students

  • Paul PiwekSimon Savage
  • Winner of the 6th eSTEeM Scholarship Projects of the Year Award 2023.

    June 2019 to June 2022

    Use of STACK to generate formative assessment for level 3 Pure mathematics

  • Hayley Ryder
  • Highly Commended at the 3rd eSTEeM Scholarship Projects of the Year Awards 2020 under the category - Innovative/Original Approach to Teaching.

    October 2016 to November 2019

    Assessment analytics of student engagement with, and performance on, S217 online quizzes

  • Andrew Norton
  • This project used analytics information to investigate student engagement with, and attitudes towards, the online interactive quizzes that form part of S217 Physics: from Classical to Quantum.  

    January 2016 to August 2016

    Academic literacy and communicating assessment to students on L1 Science Modules

  • Claire KoteckiPrithvi Shrestha
  • This project aimed to understand assessment and how it is communicated to students in Level 1 Science with application across STEM subjects.

    June 2015 to August 2019

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