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Online/onscreen STEM practice

Blending labcasts and remote/virtual experimentation: students’ perception in practical skills development

  • Eleanor CrabbRob JanesKate Bradshaw
  • Online practical work is now established across the OU STEM curriculum, in many modules and programmes.

    June 2018 to February 2022

    Online Summer Schools

  • Kate NixonEleanor Crabb
  • The covid-19 pandemic has resulted in losses in opportunities for students to gain experience at summer placements in research and industrial laboratories.

    November 2020 to July 2024

    Evaluating the design of the virtual microscope with students

  • Christothea Herodotou
  • Existing studies about the design of the Virtual Microscope (VM) detail the technical specifications of the microscope such as improving the client response time when requesting an image and portability across computer platforms (Çatalyürek et al., 2003; Fereira et al., 1997) and report on develo

    April 2020 to December 2021

    Supporting students in online tuition from Access through the student journey

  • Carlton WoodLynda Cook
  • Within many STEM modules we have moved to an online platform for learning events, including tuition.  Whilst there are many benefits to online tuition by both tutors and students (such as remote access) anecdotal evidence suggests that STEM OU students do not actively participate in online tuitio

    November 2018 to June 2023

    Understanding and mitigating students difficulties in undertaking complex practical activities on their computers

  • Patrick Wong
  • Hands-on practical activities can improve students understanding of technological concepts and provide an opportunity to improve their technical skills.

    November 2018 to September 2020

    Online journal clubs in distance higher education: an opportunity to develop skills and community?

  • Fiona MoormanKaren New
  • Winner of the 3rd eSTEeM Scholarship Projects of the Year Award 2020 under the category - Innovative/Original Approach to Teaching.

    November 2018 to January 2020

    Improving student engagement during online-only courses through the use of interactive question-embedded videos

  • Bryan SingerRafael Hidalgo
  • Highly Commended at the 4th eSTEeM Scholarship Projects of the Year Awards 2021 under the category - Innovative Approach to Teaching.

    May 2018 to February 2021

    Online Team Investigations in Science (OTIS)

  • Mark Jones
  • Aims: By taking a comparative approach between three online team investigations in planetary science and astronomy, this project aims to investigate the factors that may be important in determining the effectiveness of such activities.

    October 2017 to December 2021

    VISION - Visual Interfaces for Systematising and Interpreting Online Notes

  • Ale OkadaAnna De LiddoAndrea Berardi
  • Understanding students’ preferences and habits about digital reading is fundamental to support paperless learning.

    May 2017 to February 2021

    Understanding on-line teaching practice: the importance of the observation

  • Chris Douce
  • This project captured and identified the practice of tutorial observations from two different perspectives: the perspective of the distance learning tutor, and the perspective of their manager or staff tutor.

    January 2017 to July 2018

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