Gareth Neighbour from the School of Engineering & Innovation has been re-appointed for a further three-year term as the Senior Editor of the high-impact (IF=10.5), leading international journal Carbon. The journal reports the latest research on carbonaceous materials, their production, properties and applications. He has worked with the journal since 2013 when he was appointed as a full editor and subsequently appointed Senior Editor in 2021. The Editorial Board comprises 18 editors who are highly renowned scientists from leading research-intensive institutions from all four corners of the planet. The journal receives over 5000 submissions yearly and is a Top 5% journal in chemistry and materials science rankings on CiteScore.
The story of carbon is a remarkable one. The elemental form of carbon has a broad compendium of extraordinary physical, mechanical, and chemical properties, and despite being very abundant and, for many, ‘magical’, it is often ‘taken for granted’. Yet, it has supported metal clusters which perform feats of catalysis, provided electrodes in large-scale steel arc furnaces, enabled lithium-ion battery technology, provided structural support and moderated neutrons in civil nuclear reactors, protected F1 racing drivers, healing cancer patients with novel drug delivery,… the list is endless! New carbon materials are being developed at a bewildering rate.
With this reappointment, Gareth continues to provide invaluable leadership in advancing the journal’s mission to publish cutting-edge research and support the global carbon science community. An upcoming special issue will focus on Net Zero and the vital role that carbonaceous materials have in emissions abatement. If colleagues are interested, please get in touch with Gareth [].