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Athena SWAN Silver Award

The Athena SWAN Silver Award document is now available in the About section

22nd September 2021

7th September fifth of 50th birthday celebrations of systems teaching at the OU

Tyson Yunkaporta is an Australian Indigenous thinker, author of Sand Talk and founder of the Indigenous Knowledge Systems Lab. His work involves applying an Indigenous complexity lens to the hidden and not-so-hidden drivers of global systemic crises and seeking regenerative solutions.

24th August 2021

27th July fourth of 50th birthday celebrations of systems teaching at the OU

Dr Sharon Pollard - Executive Director of the Association for Water and Rural Development (AWARD) based in South Africa -  will present a webinar for our fourth event scheduled for 27th July at 12 noon (UK time).  Sharon’s talk will be on Systemic praxis for water governance: Unnecessary divergence or essential framing?  Sharon will be introduced by Professor Ray Ison from the Applied Systems Thinking in Practice (ASTiP) group at the OU. 

6th August 2021

22nd June third of 50th birthday celebrations of systems teaching at the OU

Professor Mike Jackson from Hull will present a webinar for our third event scheduled for 22nd June at 12 noon (UK time).  Mike’s talk will be on Critical Systems Thinking and Practice: What has been done and what needs doing.  Mike will be introduced by Dr Magnus Ramage from the Applied Systems Thinking in Practice (ASTiP) group at the OU.

6th August 2021

25th May second of 50th birthday celebrations of systems thinking teaching at the OU

We welcome Dr Glenda Eoyang from Minnesota - Founding Director of the Human Systems Dynamics Institute -  at this second event to deliver a presentation on “Scale-free dissemination: local behaviours to systemic results". 

3rd June 2021

27th April launch of 50th birthday celebrations of systems thinking teaching at the OU

2021 is the jubilee year of Systems Thinking in Practice (STiP) at The Open University (OU).

We welcome Dr Andrew Mitchell from De Montfort University at this premier event to deliver a presentation on “Second-order perspectives on learning and practice under complex conditions”. 

19th April 2021

2021 is the 50th birthday of Systems Thinking teaching at The OU

In the wake of the pandemic, confronted by human-induced climate change and exposure to wide-ranging vulnerabilities within our societies, many commentators call for investment in thinking and acting differently, particularly with Systems Thinking in Practice, or STiP.

The Open University (OU, based in the UK) is well-placed to respond to this imperative of our times because it has been one of the significant investors in STiP education over the last 50 years.

19th April 2021

School of E&I receives Athena SWAN Silver Award

Athena SWAN Silver logo

The School of Engineering and Innovation, STEM is delighted to announce that it has received an Athena SWAN Silver Award following its recent submission to AdvanceHE.

22nd March 2021

School of Engineering and Innovation International Women's Day

Design workshop



Monday, 8 March 2021 from 20:00 to 21:00 (GMT) 

Online event:

Four academics from the Open University introduce four women in the field of engineering and innovation who chose to challenge with their innovative practice or research.

26th February 2021