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Dr James Warren

James Warren (2016 by Gianoli).

Profile summary

Professional biography

James WARREN is a senior lecturer in the School of Engineering and Innovation (part of the STEM Faculty) and linked to the Design Group; he was previously as an Associate Dean (Quality) (2011-2015) within the Faculty working with Associates in Learning & Teaching, Curriculum & Qualifications and Regions & Nations. My School (Engineering & Innovation) covers a wide range of subject specialisms including engineering, design, development, environment and systems thinking. I am an  author on many modules in the University which contain transport studies, transport case studies or environmental units linked to mobility. All of my research and scholarship is publicly available and usually deals with quantifying emissions for particular scenarios or modes of transport. I also carry out carbon based calculations for various scenarios to determine aggregate outcomes with respect to sustainability. 

Research interests

I started at Open in the year 2000; previously I worked in the automotive industry for many years designing catalyst systems for both heavy duty trucks and to a lesser extent for passenger cars. You can find my automotive patents and transport studies papers within the ORO area and in 2018-2023 my main work is on public transport systems within Havana (in collaboration with UCL). This work has focussed on bus systems, electrification of the automotive fleet, urban environments and improved walking for users. 

Teaching interests

I am a lead author on our modules in energy (T213, T313, T452 and T460) as well as the block lead and author on 'China' in our level one entry interdisciplinary environmental module (U116).  I also support the design module level one with their scholarship into student demographics as part of the LOLA cards strand. I previously taught "sustainable cities and transport" and "environmental impacts of transport" at Loughborough University for their masters programme. With the southern zone of the UK I work with approximately 50 part-time Associate Lecturers for a large range of our Engineering modules. I am also a core co-author on Tackling Climate Change - Cuba and Thrifty Innovation which is delivered through our partners at FutureLearn. 

Impact and engagement

I worked with BBC Glasgow/BBC 2 to produce the landmark aviation series entitled "City in the Sky" (3 episodes, 1 hr each, aired June 2016) The show was viewed by some 1.5 million viewers and considers many of the difficult design and engineering issues linked to manfuacturer of new aircraft as well as the various tasks required for keeping 100,000 flights going every day. I am currently working with a small team to produce a revised University transport strategy covering all forms of mobility. 

External collaborations

I am currently working with University College London (UCL) on a project based on urban mobility and public transport systems and urban design in conjunction with our partner in CUJAE (Ciudad Universitaria José Antonio Echeverría) in Havana (Cuba). I also collaborate with INSMET (Institute of Meteorology, Casablanca, Havana) investigating issues around air pollution quantification using low cost sensors and devices. 

Research groups

NameTypeParent Unit
Design GroupGroupFaculty of Mathematics, Computing and Technology
OpenSpace Research CentreCentreFaculty of Social Sciences


Towards practical learning using air quality monitors (2024)
Calvert, Carol and Warren, James
MSOR Connections, 22(2) (pp. 4-11)

Looking through a windscreen: managing the future of automobility (2022)
Enoch, Marcus and Warren, James P.
Applied Mobilites, 7(1) (pp. 81-98)

Ticketing artefacts and designing fare collection systems (2021-10-18)
Enoch, Marcus P.; Warren, James and Dal Bosco Jr., Alceu
Transport Findings (pp. 1-8)

Coronavirus is a once in a lifetime chance to reshape how we travel (2020)
Enoch, Marcus and Warren, James
The Conversation

Card-based design tools: a review and analysis of 155 card decks for designers and designing (2019-07)
Roy, Robin and Warren, James
Design Studies, 63 (pp. 125-154)

[Book Review] The Psychology of the Car: Automobile Admiration, Attachment and Addiction by Stefan Gössling (Elsevier, Amsterdam, Netherlands (2017)) (2018-05)
Warren, James
Journal of Transport Geography, 69 (p 308)

[Book Review] Fantasy islands: Chinese dreams and ecological fears in an age of climate crisis by Julie Sze, 2015, University of California Press (2017-05-15)
Warren, James
Island Studies Journal, 12(1) (pp. 257-258)

Movilidad sostenible: un proyecto viable para las ciudades cubanas [Sustainable Mobility - a viable project for Cuban cities] (2015-07-15)
Morris, Emily; Ortegon-Sanchez, Adriana and Warren, James
Temas(83) (pp. 36-43)

Institutional change for improving accessibility in the design and delivery of distance learning – the role of faculty accessibility specialists at The Open University (2015-04)
Slater, Rachel; Pearson, Victoria; Warren, James and Forbes, Tina
Open Learning: The Journal of Open, Distance and e-learning, 30(1) (pp. 6-20)

Developing an equitable and sustainable mobility strategy for Havana (2015-03-13)
Warren, James; Morris, Emily; Enoch, Marcus; Padilla Magdaleno, Idalmis; Parra Arias, Zunilda and Guanche, Julia
Cities, 45 (pp. 133-141)

Designing and modelling Havana’s future bus rapid transit (2015)
Warren, James and Ortegon-Sanchez, Adriana
Proceedings of the Insitution of Civil Engineers - Urban Design and Planning, 169(2) (pp. 104-119)

Discussion: Potential for carfree development in the UK - categorising carfree communities (2014-02)
Enoch, Marcus P. and Warren, James
Urban Design and Planning Proceedings of the Insitution of Civil Engineers, 167(1) (pp. 42-43)

Transport practices in Amish communities (2014)
Warren, James and Enoch, Marcus
Journal of Amish and Plain Anabaptist Studies, 2(1) (pp. 59-78)

Can bus really be the new tram? (2013-03)
Hodgson, Paul; Potter, Stephen; Warren, James and Gillingwater, David
Research in Transportation Economics, 39(1) (pp. 158-166)

Can rail/sail compete with air travel to Cyprus? A comparison of emissions (2013-01)
Warren, James and Ieromonachou, Petros
Transportation Research Part D: Transport and Environment, 18 (pp. 86-90)

Mapping expert perspectives of the aviation sector (2013)
Mootien, Namasoondrum P.; Warren, James P.; Morris, Dick and Enoch, Marcus P.
International Journal of Environmental Technology and Management, 16(3) (pp. 179-202)

[Book review] A review of "Slow Travel and Tourism" by J. Dickinson and L. Lumsdon, London, Earthscan, 2010. (2011-09-01)
Warren, James P.
Journal of Sustainable Tourism, 19(7) (pp. 916-918)

Island transport, car ownership and use: A focus on practices in Cuba, Malta, Mauritius and Singapore (2010-11-01)
Warren, James P. and Enoch, Marcus P.
Island Studies Journal, 5(2) (pp. 193-216)

The Olympic transport legacy (2010-07)
Ieromonachou, Petros; Warren, James and Potter, Stephen
Town and Country Planning, 79(7) (pp. 331-336)

Policy packages as potential routes to urban road pricing in the UK (2008-12-15)
Ieromonachou, Petros and Warren, James
European Transport(40) (pp. 106-123)

Automobile use within selected island states (2008-11)
Enoch, Marcus P. and Warren, James P.
Transportation Research Part A: Policy and Practice, 42(9) (pp. 1208-1219)

A Strategic Niche Analysis of Urban Road Pricing in the UK and Norway (2007-03-06)
Ieromonachou, Petros; Potter, Stephen and Warren, James
European Journal of Transport and Infrastructure Research, 7(1) (pp. 15-38)

Norway's urban toll rings: evolving towards congestion charging? (2006-09)
Ieromonachou, P.; Potter, S. and Warren, J.P.
Transport Policy, 13(5) (pp. 367-378)

Hydrogen: tomorrow's fuel or just hot air? The Icelandic Experience (2006-05-05)
Warren, James P.
Traffic Engineering & Control, 47(5) (pp. 168-170)

Evaluation of the implementation process of urban road pricing schemes in the United Kingdom and Italy (2006-04)
Ieromonachou, P.; Potter, S. and Warren, J. P.
European Transport, 32 (pp. 49-68)

Mobility, energy, and emissions in Cuba and Florida (2006-01)
Warren, James P. and Enoch, Marcus P.
Transportation Research Part D: Transport and Environment, 11(1) (pp. 33-44)

“Needs must when the blockade drives”: Cuba's less intensive transport society can teach the developed world a few lessons (2004-04-01)
Warren, James P. and Enoch, M. P.
Cuba Si - Journal of the Cuba Solidarity Campaign

The Effect of economic restrictions on transport practices in Cuba (2004-01)
Enoch, Marcus; Warren, James P.; Valdes Rios, Humberto and Henríquez Menoyo, Enrique
Transport Policy, 11(1) (pp. 67-76)

Transport responses to an economic blockade: necessity nudges Cuba towards a less transport intensive society (2003-09-05)
Warren, J. P. and Enoch, M. P.
Traffic Engineering & Control, 44(8) (pp. 278-281)

Book review of The Earthscan Reader: World Transport Policy and Practice (2003-09)
Warren, James P.
Local Transport Today(375) (p 17)

Necessity nudges Cuba towards a less transport intensive society (2003-09)
Enoch, M. P. and Warren, J. P.
Traffic Engineering & Control, 44(8) (pp. 278-281)

A Total Product System Concept - a case study of the smart (tm) automobile (2001-10-15)
Warren, J.P.; Rhodes, E.A. and Carter, R.B.
Greener Management International, 35 (pp. 89-104)

Diesel Aftertreatment Systems: 2004-2007, A Cost Assessment (2001-05-07)
Warren, James
SAE Technical Paper Series, Article 2001-01-1948

21st Century emissions technology - a review (2001-01)
Warren, James P.
Platinum Metals Review, 45(1) (pp. 31-33)

Toward an intelligent mobility regime (2023)
Potter, Stephen; Warren, James; Valdez, Miguel and Cook, Matthew
In: Droege, Peter ed. Intelligent Environments: advanced systems for a healthy planet, 2nd Edition (pp. 323-350)
ISBN : 978-0-12-820247-0 | Publisher : Elsevier | Published : Amsterdam

Walking in Havana, Cuba (2022-06-30)
Warren, James; González González, Adrián; Ortegón Sánchez, Adriana; Peña Díaz, Jorge; Morris, Emily and Cazanave Macías, Joiselen
In: Kotzebue, Julia R. ed. Towards Sustainable Transport and Mobility Perspectives on Travelling and Commuting in Small Island States (pp. 117-134)
ISBN : 978-3943423-96-9 | Publisher : Hamburg University Press Verlag der Staats- und Universitätsbibliothek Hamburg Carl von Ossietzky | Published : Hamburg, Germany

Deep Geothermal Energy (2017-11-15)
Warren, James
In: Peake, Stephen ed. Renewable Energy: Power for a Sustainable Future (Fourth Edition) (pp. 489-540)
ISBN : 9-780198-75975-1 | Publisher : Oxford University Press | Published : Oxford

Sustainable transport systems: learning from Cuba (2009)
Warren, James
In: Wilson, Gordon; Furniss, Pamela and Kimbowa, Richard eds. Environment, Development, and Sustainability: Perspectives and cases from around the world (pp. 54-64)
ISBN : 9780199560646 | Publisher : Oxford University Press | Published : Oxford, UK

Corporate responsibility in practice: building an eco-city from scratch (2009)
Warren, James
In: Wilson, Gordon; Furniss, Pamela and Kimbowa, Richard eds. Environment, Development, and Sustainability: Perspectives and cases from around the world (pp. 213-221)
ISBN : 9780199560646 | Publisher : Oxford University Press | Published : Oxford, UK

'Smart' design: greening the Total Product System (2006-07)
Warren, James P. and Rhodes, Ed
In: Sarkis, Joseph ed. Greening the supply chain (pp. 271-291)
ISBN : 1846282985 | Publisher : Springer Verlag UK

Cost implications of various Euro 4 and 5 after treatment solutions for heavy duty diesel vehicles (2001)
Warren, James
In: Institution of, Mechanical Engineers ed. 21st Century Emissions Technology. IMechE Conference Transactions 2000-2002 (pp. 35-45)
ISBN : 1-86058-322-9 | Publisher : Professional Engineering Limited for IMechE | Published : Bury St Edmunds, UK

Energy Systems and Sustainability: Power for a Sustainable Future (3rd ed.) (2021-07-30)
Everett, Bob; Peake, Stephen and Warren, James eds.
ISBN : 9780198767640 | Publisher : Oxford University Press | Published : Oxford, UK

Managing Transport Energy (2007-02)
Warren, J. P. ed.
Power for a Sustainable Future
ISBN : 9780199215775 | Publisher : Oxford University Press, in association with The Open University | Published : Oxford

Supply chains and total product systems: a reader (2006-12-01)
Rhodes, Ed; Warren, James P. and Carter, Ruth eds.
ISBN : 9781405124096 | Publisher : Blackwells | Published : Padstow, Cornwall, UK

Identifying threshold concepts in final year engineering projects (2025)
Kershaw, Stephen; Patel, Andrea and Warren, James
In : The 13th eSTEeM Annual Conference Proceedings: Sharing Best Practice - Implementing What Works (10-11 Apr 2024, The Open University, UK) (pp. 39-45)

Card-based Tools For Creative And Systematic Design (2018)
Roy, Robin and Warren, James
In : Design Research Society 2018 - Catalyst (DRS2018 Limerick) (25-28 Jun 2018, Limerick, Republic of Ireland) (pp. 1075-1087)

Can bus really be the new tram? (2011-09)
Hodgson, Paul; Potter, Stephen; Warren, James and Gillingwater, David
In : Thredbo 12: The 12th International Conference on Competition and Ownership in Land Passenger Transport (11-15 Sep 2011, Durban, South Africa)

Modelling urban bus transport emissions in Santiago de Cuba (2010-11-26)
Warren, James and Avila, Jordi Mirabent
In : 6th Cuban Congress on Mechanical Engineering (CCIM2010) (29 Nov - 03 Dec 2010, Palacio de Convenciones, de La Habana)

Flows, accommodation and revenue: an analysis of tourism trends in Cyprus (2010-04-21)
Ieromonachou, Petros and Warren, James
In : International Conference on Sustainable Tourism: Issues, Debates and Challenges (21-25 Apr 2010, Crete & Santorini, Greece)

Supporting policy packages: the future of road pricing in the UK (2007-07)
Ieromonachou, Petros; Warren, James and Potter, Stephen
In : Kuhmo Nectar Conference (9-13 Jul 2007, Urbino, Italy)

Taxing Cars With Attitude (2006-06-15)
Lane, Ben; Potter, Stephen and Warren, James
In : LowCVP Low Carbon Road Transport Challenge, Annual Low CVP Conference 2006 (15 Jun 2006, DTI Conference Centre in Victoria, LONDON) (pp. 41-47)

Effect of a Pay-As-You-Drive charge on the adoption of lower carbon vehicles (2006)
Lane, B. and Warren, James
In : Energy Policy in a Global Context, 6th BIEE Conference (20-21 Sep 2006, St John's College, Oxford, UK)

Comparing Urban Road Pricing Implementation and Management Strategies from the UK and Norway (2005-04-11)
Ieromonachou, Petros; Potter, Stephen and Warren, James
In : PIARC Seminar on Road Pricing with emphasis on Financing, Regulation and Equity (11-13 Apr 2005, Cancun, Mexico)

Implications of HGV charging for the UK (2005-01-06)
Warren, J. P.; Potter, S. and Parkhurst, G.
In : 37th Annual Conference of Universities Transport Study Group (5-7 Jan 2005, Bristol, UK)

Comparisons of different implementation procedures of road pricing schemes in two European countries (2005)
Ieromonachou, Petros; Potter, Stephen and Warren, James
In : Proceedings of the VIII Nectar Conference (2-4 Jun 2005, Las Palmas)

Tutors as learners: overcoming barriers to learning ICT skills (2002-09-10)
Warren, James P. and Gaskell, Anne F.
In : The European Conference on Educational Research, ECER 2002 (11-14 Sep 2002, Libson, Portugal)

The use of the Continuously Regenerating Trap (CRTTM) and SCRTTM Systems to meet future emissions legislation (2000)
Allansson, R.; Blakeman, P. G.; Chandler, G. R.; Maloney, C. A.; Thoss, J. E.; Walker, A. P. and Warren, J. P.
In : 21st Vienna International Motor Symposium (04-05 May 2000, Vienna) (pp. 343-355)

Device and method for removing sooty particulate from exhaust gases from combustion processes (2001-01-18)
Allansson, Ronny; Andreasson, Anders Klas; Chandler, Guy Richard and Warren, James Patrick