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Professor Rongshan Qin

Rongshan Qin

Profile summary

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Professional biography

Rongshan is a Professor in Advanced Materials Engineering. He joined The Open University in 2015 from Imperial College London, where he was a Senior Lecturer in Department of Materials. He earned a PhD in Materials Science from Institute of Metal Research and worked subsequently in Chinese Academy of Sciences, Brunel University, University of Cambridge, STFC Daresbury Laboratory and POSTECH.

Research interests

Rongshan's research concerns the advanced materials processing. This includes to invent new processing to fabricate new materials, modify existing processing to optimize production, and add new dimension to control materials processing.
Electromagnetic processing of materials
Electromagnetic field affects phase equilibrium and heat/mass transfer. It provides an alternative way to fabricate materials that are difficult to achieve by other means. The electromagnetic effect, however, can be beneficial or detrimental. His group develops thermodynamic theory and associated database to predict the electromagnetic effect on the processing, understand the transition kinetics and mass transfer in electromagnetic environments, design facilities and processing parameters to deploy desirable electromagnetic effect.
Computational materials processing
Materials processing involves chemical reaction, phase transition, convection and diffusion. Many transformations happen quickly in opaque and harsh environments, which are difficult to be characterized by experimental means. Modelling and numerical simulations are implemented in the cases. His team develops computational thermodynamics, phase field method, smoothed particle hydrodynamics, dissipative particle dynamics, lattice Boltzmann equation, cellular automata and information computing to address the problems.
Artificial intelligence and virtual reality
Adding new type of sensor enables to monitor the internal behaviours in materials processing. Electromagnetic image is one of such goals to achieve. Many unusual fluctuations in the processing can be captured by the change of electromagnetic field. Large amount of data are obtainable from the new sensors. The big data are fed to the visualization toolkit to generate processing virtual reality. The artificial intelligence method helps to extract key information and feedback to the production line for optimization. He has developed visualization software (MatVisual), multiple layer neural network code package, and free data processing accessories (e.g. MatFig) toward these purposes.

Figure 1. Electropulsating a polycrystalline alloy
Recent External Research Grants
  1. To discover the mesoscale interaction between hydrogen and metal oxide in net-zero extraction, 31/03/2023-30/03/2025, Royal Society, IEC\NSFC\223225, Principal Investigator
  2. UK Consortium on mesoscale engineering sciences - UKCOMES, 01/2023-12/2026, EPSRC, EP/X035875/1, Co-Investigator
  3. Optimisation of Local Heat Transfer in the CC Mould for Casting Challenging and Innovative Steel – OPTILOCALHT, 07/2019-12/2023, European Commission, Co-Investigator
  4. UK Consortium on mesoscale engineering sciences - UKCOMES, 06/2018-12/2022, EPSRC, EP/R029598/1, Co-Investigator
  5. Impact case for the Materials Processing Institute, 01/12/2017-30/11/2018, Materials Processing Institute, 1711226, Principal Investigator. 
  6. Study of the electropulse-based superclean steel green processing method,  03/2016-02/2019, The Royal Society Newton Advanced Fellowship,Project host
  7. Toward the regeneration of aged stainless steels - TRASS, 01/2016-12/2017, MAI at France, Principal Investigator
  8. Measuring residual stress in electropulsed steel wire, 12/2015-11/2018, STFC, Principal Investigator
  9. The stability of precipitates in alloys under an electromagnetic field, 10/2015-09/2019, EDF Energy Nuclear Generation Limited at UK,Principal Investigator
  10. A Study into the potential of pulsed electric current for steel cleanness improvements, TATA Steel Europe and MPI.
  11. Electropulse-induced microstructure and property evolution in pearlitic steel, 08/2014-02/2018, TATA Steel and EPSRC, 1322018, Principal Investigator
  12. UK Consortium on mesoscale engineering sciences - UKCOMES, 06/2013-05/2018, EPSRC, EP/L00030X/1,Co-Investigator
  13. 3D nanostructured high strength machinable steel plate – superpearlite, 09/2012-02/2016, The Defense Science and Technology Laboratory (DSTL), DSTLX1000064117, Principal Investigator     
  14. A novel electropulse-based clean steel green processing method, 15/10/2012-06/11/2015, EPSRC, EP/J011460/, Principal Investigator
  15. Novel steel processing, 15/11/2009-14/11/2014, TATA Steel and the Royal Academy of Engineering, TATA/RAEng Senior Research Fellowship,Awardee
  16. Modelling of phase-separation in steel processing, 12/2010-05/2014, TATA Steel and EPSRC, 10000516, Principal Investigator
  17. Electropulsing TRIP steel for the production of novel microstructure, 05/2012-04/2013, POSCO-EU, Principal Investigator
  18. A mini induction heating system, 2011, The Royal Academy of Engineering,Principal Investigator
  19. Electropulsing facilities, 2010, The Royal Academy of Engineering,Principal investigator
  20. Processing of manganese ore containing high P and high S, 01/2012-12/2014, Natural Science Foundation of China (NSFC), 51174244, Co-Investigator
  21. Microstructure refinement of cold drawn pearlitic steel wires, 10/2007-09/2009, POSCO,Principal investigator

Teaching interests

Followings are part of courses that I have taught recently for engineering students. Previously I also taught quantum mechanics and atomic physics for undergraduates in department of physics.

1.T460 MEng Individual Project
I have chaired this module presentation since 2021.

2. T885 MEng Team Project 
I have been the directot of T885 residential weekends since 2023.

3.T367 Structural Integrity: Design Against Failure 
I have been in module team for critical reading the module materials since 2019.

4.T357: Structural Integrity: Designing against Failure
BLOCK 1: Stress Analysis
BLOCK 2: Fracture Mechanics
This is a major distant learning course for engineering students. I have been involved in teaching this course since August 2015.

5.T176 Engineering: An Active Introduction
This is an introductory engineering course at Open University Residential School to hold in each summer. I have been involved in teaching this course since July 2015.

6.T276 Engineering in Action
This is a practical engineering course at Open University Residential School to hold in each summer. I have been involved in teaching this course since July 2015.

7.MSE 307: Engineering Alloys – Steels (8 lectures, lecturer)
This is a part of MSE307 course that I introduced in 2009 at Imperial College London. I have lectured 4 times to the 3rd year undergraduates and MSc students between 2010 and 2014. 
The course introduces ironmaking and steelmaking principles, microstructure of steel, steel strengthening mechanism, TRIP and TWIP automotive steels, nanostructured steels, modern special steels and principles to design novel steels.

8.MSE 206: Process Principles (24 lectures, lecturer)
I gave 24 lectures on heat and mass transfer. This covers fluid mechanics, heat transfer and thermomechanical processing of materials. The course has been delivered 3 times to 2nd year undergraduates between 2011 and 2014. 

9.MSE 106: Communication for Engineers (3 lectures and 3 coursework, course leader)
I developed this new course and worked with the Chief Technician in the Departmental Workshop between 2011 and 2014. 

10.MSM: Materials Simulation Methods – Phase field method (2 lectures and 3 practical sessions)
This course is for MSc students in Doctoral Training Centre at Imperial College London. The lectures provide a thorough introduction to phase field method.

11.Metal Deformation Laboratory
I was in charge of this undergraduate laboratory from 2012 to 2014 at Imperial College London. The aim is to demonstrate the rolling and annealing of metals for improving the mechanical property of metallic materials.

12.GIFT 702: Solidification Processing (25 lectures, lecturer)
I designed the course for postgraduates and lectured it at Pohang University of Science and Technology in 2007-2009. The course materials including PDF lecture notes and 25 recorded videos were uploaded online and received significant downloads.

13.Fundaments of Solidification (4 lectures, lecturer)
I taught this course for 2nd year undergraduates at the Department of Materials Science and Engineering at Pohang University of Science and Technology.

Impact and engagement

I am a member of NASC consortium and UKCOMES consortium, member of the Royal Society’s Newton International Fellowships Committee (Physical) from 1 January 2022 until 31 December 2024, member of the Royal Society’s Newton Advanced Fellowship Panel (01/2020-12/2022), member of EPSRC college (2013-), member of editorial board for Scientific Reports (2015-), Materials Science and Technology (2014-), Bulletin of Magnitogorsk State Technical University (2016-) and Metals (2021-). I am an IAAM Medal 2019 award recipient, and received three times prize award from Scripta Materialia for reviewing (2006, 2007 and 2016).   

Externally funded projects

To discover the mesoscale interaction between hydrogen and metal oxide in net-zero extraction
RoleStart dateEnd dateFunding source
Lead31 Mar 202330 Mar 2025The Royal Society

The project will develop an innovative method to address the questions of how H2 is interacted with FeO in mesoscale and how the interaction is affected by other oxides such as Al2O3, MnO and TiO2. The purpose of the research is to provide fundamental understanding to net-zero hydrogen reduction, which is considered a major solution to reduce CO2 emission in steelmaking industry that currently accounts for 8% of total global CO2 emission. The research outcome will be used to design hydrogen reduction processing in order to improve the efficiency.

UK Consortium on mesoscale engineering sciences
RoleStart dateEnd dateFunding source
Lead01 Jan 202331 Dec 2026EPSRC Engineering and Physical Sciences Research Council

Mesoscales refer to those in between atomistic and macroscales. Such scales exist in almost all physical, chemical, biological, biomedical, material, pharmaceutical and engineering phenomena and processes. Mesoscales bridge atomistic and macroscales, and thus span many orders of magnitude. To resolve mesoscales is a great computational challenge, which requires ever more powerful HEC platforms. Unsurprisingly, mesoscale modelling and simulation has grown in capability and popularity in tandem with the development of HEC. In particular, the lattice Boltzmann method (LBM) has had a phenomenal growth in recent decades. Other methods under study that share the philosophy and aim of mesoscale modelling and simulation include dissipative particle dynamics (DPD), smoothed particle hydrodynamics (SPH), discrete velocity method (DVM), direct simulation Monte Carlo (DSMC), kinetic Monte Carlo (kMC), and coarse-grained MD (CGMD). Due to the pervasiveness and complexity of mesoscopic problems, the research and end-user communities working in the field are diverse and multidisciplinary. The consortium not only acts as a focal point for the diverse communities but also allows efficient utilisation of HEC resources through coordination and training.

Optimising Local Heat Transfer in the CC mould for Casting Challenging and Innovative Steel Grades
RoleStart dateEnd dateFunding source
Lead01 Jul 201930 Dec 2023RFCS Research Fund for Coal and Steel

A collaborative project to bid for EU Research Fund for Coal and Steel (RFCS). The project is led by Dr. Dr Bridget Stewart at Materials Processing Institute at UK. The partners include the Swerea Mefos AB at Sweden, Sandvik Materials Technology AB at Sweden, Arcelormittal Maizeieres Research SA at France, ABB AB at Sweden, Sidenor Investigacion Desarrollosa at Spain and The University of Warwick at UK.

UK Consortium on Mesoscale Engineering Sciences
RoleStart dateEnd dateFunding source
Lead01 Jun 201831 May 2022EPSRC Engineering and Physical Sciences Research Council

UKCOMES addresses scientific and engineering problems at mesoscales which lie between atomistic and macroscales. Such problems are ubiquitous in, for example, a wide variety of physical, chemical, biological, biomedical, material, pharmaceutical and engineering phenomena and processes. Mesoscale engineering sciences are truly interdisciplinary and cross-cutting, uniting the engineering and science research communities. The modelling and simulation methodologies are based on non-continuum or discrete approaches, including lattice Boltzmann method (LBM), dissipative particle dynamics (DPD), smoothed particle hydrodynamics (SPH) and coarse-grained molecular dynamics (CG-MD). UKCOMES has been funded by the EPSRC (Grant No. EP/L00030X/1, 01/06/2013 – 31/05/2018) for HEC resources. It has also won an award under the EPSRC Computational Science and Engineering Software Flagship Project Call (EP/P022243/1, 06/2017 – 05/2020, HiLeMMS, £513,863). The expanded UKCOMES will capitalize on its successes to lead the research field in the world and to deliver both academic and end-user impact.

Study of the electropulse-based superclean steel green processing method
RoleStart dateEnd dateFunding source
Lead01 Mar 201628 Feb 2019The Royal Society

As the nonmetallic inclusions (Al2O3, SiO2, etc.) caused stresses, cracks, creep, microstructure instability and many other detrimental effects in the service loading of steel components, a novel electropulsing processing method has been proposed with the aim to improve the cleanliness of liquid steel. However, the key issue for the application of this technology, the clear understanding of the initial solidification behaviors under the influence of electropulse occurred in the continuous casting mold, is missing, due to the fact that the behaviors of heat/mass transfer, mold flux infiltration and crystallization, inclusion removal and molten steel initial solidification in the continuous casting mold would be changed when electropulse is applied to the mold. Through the cooperation of this project, the novel electropulsing mold simulator technique could be successfully developed, by the integration of the electropulsing processing (EP) with the recently developed mold simulator technology. Therefore, the above key thermodynamic issues stand between the laboratory scale research and large-scale industrial applications could be clarified through the study based on this proposed advanced technology. Consequently, the proposed electropulse-based superclean steel green process method could be potentially applied to the global steel industry for the production of super clean pipe steel or other advanced steel grades with huge energy-saving and low CO2 emission.

Toward the Regeneration of Aged Stainless Steels
RoleStart dateEnd dateFunding source
Lead01 Oct 201531 Jul 2018EDF Energy

This proposal aims to study electropulse-induced microstructure regeneration of stainless steels. Specifically, multi-scale modelling and lab-scale experiments will investigate the stability and reversibility of aged microstructures under pulsed electric currents, in cast austenitic stainless steel (CASS) and duplex stainless steel (DSS). In CASS, ageing produces precipitates. In DSS ageing induces spinodal decomposition and G-phase formation. Electropulsing’s ability to dissolve precipitates and reverse spinodal decomposition shows the potential to regenerate the microstructure and properties of alloys. This research is set to explore the mechanism behind this, to understand the scientific nature of the phenomena, and to assess the applicability of the technique in engineering practice.

TRANSFER IN: A Novel Electropulse Based Clean Steel Green Processing Method
RoleStart dateEnd dateFunding source
Lead01 Jan 201531 Oct 2015EPSRC Engineering and Physical Sciences Research Council

The proposal requests financial support for 1 research assistant for 36 months, in order to study the effect of electropulsing on non-metallic inclusions in liquid steel. The purpose of the work is to improve steel cleanliness by reducing the total amount and average size of inclusions in liquid steel by electropulsing. This will reduce energy consumption significantly cf. current clean steel processing. This programme involves collaboration between the Department of Materials at the Imperial College London and Tata Steel Teesside Technology Centre, United Kingdom. The commitment of our industrial partner to the project is testified by their substantial support of £20,000 in kind.


Visual Computation of Material Microstructure and Deformation (2024)
Qin, Rongshan
Materials, 17, Article 2854(12)

Using electropulsing to control the surface quality of casts (2023-12-05)
Qin, Rongshan
Materials Science Forum, 1106 (pp. 87-91)

Crystal plasticity modeling of electropulsing induced plasticity in metals (2023-12-04)
Yang, Yang; Qin, Rongshan; Dong, Yalin; Wang, Jian and Ye, Chang
International Journal of Plasticity, 171, Article 103828

The relationship between electric processing condition and microstructure in the solidification of multicomponent oxides (2023-06-15)
Bhagurkar, Ashutosh and Qin, Rongshan
Ceramics International, 49(12) (pp. 20096-20103)

Structural Phase Transformation of Rail Steel in Compression (2022-11)
Aksenova, Krestina; Gromov, Victor; Ivanov, Yurii; Qin, Rongshan and Vashchuk, Ekaterina
Metals, 12, Article 1985(11)

Effect of electropulsing on the solidification of mould flux (2022-07)
Bhagurkar, Ashutosh G. and Qin, Rongshan
Journal of Materials Research and Technology, 19 (pp. 2146-2155)

Effect of pulsating solidification on the surface properties of conductive materials (2022-05-25)
Qin, Rongshan and Bhagurkar, Ashutosh
Proceedings of the Royal Society A: Mathematical, Physical and Engineering Sciences, 478, Article 20210726(2261)

The Microstructure Formation in Slag Solidification at Continuous Casting Mold (2022-04-02)
Bhagurkar, Ashutosh and Qin, Rongshan
Metals, 12, Article 617(4)

Using Electric Field to Monitor the Continuous Casting (2022)
Qin, Rongshan
IEEE Xplore, 2022 (pp. 370-377)

Artificial neural network study of the electrical conductivity of mould flux (2021-12)
Qin, R.
Materials Science and Technology, 37(18) (pp. 1476-1482)

Critical Assessment of the Electric Effect in Electric Arc Welding (2021-11-27)
Qin, Rongshan
Metals, 11, Article 1917(12)

Suppression of the surface roughness and fluctuation frequency by electric method (2021-09)
Qin, R. S.
Materials Today Communications, 28, Article 102512

Mesoscale modelling of miscible and immiscible multicomponent fluids (2019-06-04)
Zhao, Zuochao; Moat, Richard and Qin, Rongshan
Scientific reports, 9, Article 8277 (2019)

Alignment of Rods and Flakes using Electric Field (2019)
Qin, Rongshan
Advanced Materials Letters, 10(12) (pp. 899-902)

Stages and Fracture Mechanisms of Lamellar Pearlite of 100-m-Long Differentially Hardened Rails Under Long-Term Operation Conditions (2018-12-10)
Yuriev, A. A.; Gromov, V. E.; Grishunin, V. A.; Ivanov, Yu. F.; Qin, R. S. and Semin, A. P.
Acta Metallurgica Sinica (English Letters), 31(12) (pp. 1356-1360)

Exploring the Particle Reconfiguration in the Metallic Materials under the Pulsed Electric Current (2018-12)
Zhang, Xinfang and Qin, Rongshan
Steel Research International, 89, Article 1800062(12)

Anti-aging treatment of nuclear power plant steel (2018-09-26)
Zhao, Yan; He, Binyan; Saillet, Sébastien; Domain, Christophe; Le Delliou, Patrick; Perez, Michel and Qin, Rongshan
Materials Science and Engineering: A, 735 (pp. 73-80)

Computation of Electromagnetic Field and Complex Materials Interaction (2018-01-19)
Qin, Rongshan
Progress In Electromagnetics Research Symposium, 2017(Spring) (pp. 862-867)

Phase Composition and Defect Substructure of Strengthening Layer Surfaced on Low Alloyed Steel (2018-01-12)
Ivanov, Yurii F. I; Gromov, Victor E.; Konovalov, Konovalov; Kormyshev, Vassily E.; Qin, Rongshan and Semina, Olga A
Journal of Metastable and Nanocrystalline Materials, 30 (pp. 28-33)

Fabrication of nanostructured pearlite steel wires using electropulsing (2018)
Qin, Rongshan; Luo, Yongkun; Elliott-Bowman, Bernadette and Omoigiade, Osamudiamen
Materials Science and Technology, 34 (pp. 29-34)

Study of the Effect of Mold Corner Shape on the Initial Solidification Behavior of Molten Steel Using Mold Simulator (2018)
Lyu, Peisheng; Wang, Wanlin; Long, Xukai; Zhang, Kaixuan; Gao, Erzhuo and Qin, Rongshan
Metallurgical and Materials Transactions B, 49(1) (pp. 78-88)

Morphology and Orientation Selection of Non-Metallic Inclusions in Electrified Molten Metal (2017-10-01)
Zhao, Z. C. and Qin, R. S.
Metallurgical and Materials Transactions B, 48(5) (pp. 2781-2787)

Electric-field-induced alignment of electrically neutral disk-like particles: modelling and calculation (2017-08-16)
Qin, Rongshan
Scientific reports, 7, Article 8449

Degradation of structure and properties of rail surface layer at long-term operation (2017-07)
Gromov, V. E.; Ivanov, Yu. F.; Qin, R. S.; Peregudov, O. A.; Aksenova, K. V. and Semina, O. A.
Materials Science and Technology, 33(12) (pp. 1473-1478)

A fabrication history based strain-fatigue model for prediction of crack initiation in a radial loading wheel (2017-04)
Zhao, Y.; Ma, M.T.; Qin, R.; Ling, Y.C; Wang, G.Y; Wan, X.M; Gu, H.R and Liu, Y.G.
Fatigue and Fracture of Engineering Materials and Structures, 40(11) (pp. 1882-1892)

Characterisation of electric current treated austenite using misorientation angle distributions in martensite (2017-03-30)
Omoigiade, Osamudiamen; Haldar, Arunansu and Qin, Rongshan
Materials Science and Technology, 33(12) (pp. 1432-1441)

Macroscopic Characterization of Mechanical Properties in Electric Current Treated Dry Drawn High Strength Wires (2017-02-15)
Omoigiade, Osamudiamen; Haldar, Arunansu and Qin, Rongshan
MRS Advances, 2(17) (pp. 963-974)

Room temperature texturing of austenite/ferrite steel by electropulsing (2017-02-14)
Rahnama, Alireza and Qin, Rongshan
Scientific Reports, Article 42732(7)

Using electric current to surpass the microstructure breakup limit (2017-01-25)
Qin, Rongshan
Scientific Reports, 7, Article 41451

Inclusion agglomeration in electrified molten metal: thermodynamic consideration (2017)
Zhao, Z. C. and Qin, R. S.
Materials Science and Technology, 33(12) (pp. 1404-1410)

Separation of electrically neutral non-metallic inclusions from molten steel by pulsed electric current (2017)
Zhang, Xinfang and Qin, Rongshan
Materials Science and Technology, 33(12) (pp. 1399-1403)

Manufacturing of materials using external fields (2017)
Qin, Rongshan; Tang, Guoyi and Gromov, Victor
Materials Science and Technology, 33(12) (pp. 1397-1398)

Stability of martensite with pulsed electric current in dual-phase steels (2016-11-20)
Lu, Wenjun and Qin, Rongshan
Materials Science and Engineering A, 677 (pp. 252-258)

Altering the Microstructure of Pearlitic Steel Using Pulsed Electric Current (2016-08-01)
Elliott-Bowman, Bernadette; Cook, Alexander C.; Brown, Peter; Dye, David and Qin, Rongshan
Advanced Materials Research, 1139 (pp. 3-6)

Influence of κ-carbide interface structure on the formability of lightweight steels (2016-06-01)
Lu, W.J. and Qin, R.S.
Materials & Design, 104 (pp. 211-216)

A three dimensional cellular automata model for dendrite growth in non-equilibrium solidification of binary alloy (2015-12)
Zhao, Yan; Qin, Rongshan; Chen, Dengfu; Wan, Xinming; Li, Yang and Ma, Mingtu
Steel Research International, 86(12) (pp. 1490-1497)

Effect of electric current pulses on the microstructure and niobium carbide precipitates in a ferritic-pearlitic steel at an elevated temperature (2015-10-15)
Rahnama, Alireza and Qin, R. S.
Journal of Materials Research, 30(20) (pp. 3049-3055)

Stability of precipitates under electropulsing in 316L stainless steel (2015-10-01)
Lu, W. J.; Zhang, X. F. and Qin, R. S.
Materials Science and Technology, 31(13a) (pp. 1530-1535)

Structure and properties of κ-carbides in duplex lightweight steels (2015-09-01)
Lu, W. J.; Zhang, X. F. and Qin, R. S.
Ironmaking & Steelmaking, 42(8) (pp. 626-631)

Thermodynamic properties of phase separation in shear flow (2015-08-31)
Qin, R. S.
Computers & Fluids, 117 (pp. 11-16)

Segregation of copper in an Fe–Cu alloy under pulsed electric current (2015-07-27)
Zhang, X. F. and Qin, R. S.
Philosophical Magazine Letters, 95(7) (pp. 367-375)

Controlled motion of electrically neutral microparticles by pulsed direct current (2015-05-08)
Zhang, Xinfang and Qin, Rongshan
Scientific Reports, 5, Article 10162

Computational thermodynamics in electric current metallurgy (2015-05-01)
Qin, R. S. and Bhowmik, A.
Materials Science and Technology, 31(13a) (pp. 1560-1563)

Computation of five-dimensional grain boundary energy (2015-05-01)
Luo, Yong-Kun and Qin, Rong-Shan
Acta Metallurgica Sinica (English Letters), 28(5) (pp. 634-640)

The effect of electropulsing on the interlamellar spacing and mechanical properties of a hot-rolled 0.14% carbon steel (2015-03-11)
Rahnama, A. and Qin, R. S.
Materials Science and Engineering: A, 627 (pp. 145-152)

Electropulse-induced microstructural evolution in a ferritic–pearlitic 0.14% C steel (2015-02-28)
Rahnama, A. and Qin, R. S.
Scripta Materialia, 96 (pp. 17-20)

Preparation of surface coatings on a conductive substrate by controlled motion of graphene nanoflakes in a liquid medium (2015-02-28)
Zhang, X. F. and Qin, R. S.
Applied Surface Science, 329 (pp. 276-280)

κ-carbide hardening in a low-density high-Al high-Mn multiphase steel (2015-01-01)
Lu, W.J.; Zhang, X.F. and Qin, Rongshan
Materials Letters, 138 (pp. 96-99)

Modelling the microstructure of martensitic steels (2015-01)
Rahnama, A. and Qin, R. S.
Computational Materials Science, 96(A) (pp. 102-107)

Critical assessment 8: Outstanding issues in electropulsing processing (2015-01)
Qin, R. S.
Materials Science and Technology, 31(2) (pp. 203-206)

Oriented sulphides induced by electric current in medium carbon steel (2015)
Zhang, X. F.; Lu, W.J. and Qin, R. S.
Philosophical Magazine Letters, 95(2) (pp. 101-109)

Surface energy and its anisotropy of hexagonal close-packed metals (2014-12)
Luo, Yongkun and Qin, Rongshan
Surface Science, 630 (pp. 195-201)

Morphology and distribution control of MnS inclusions in molten steel by electropulsing (2014-07)
Zhang, X. F.; Lu, W.J. and Qin, R. S.
Materials Research Innovations, 18(S4) (pp. 244-248)

Electropulsed steels (2014-07)
Qin, R. S.; Rahnama, A.; Lu, W.J.; Zhang, X. F. and Elliott-Bowman, B.
Materials Science and Technology, 30(9) (pp. 1040-1044)

Description of surface energy anisotropy for BCC metals (2014-06-01)
Luo, Y. K. and Qin, R. S.
Advanced Materials Research, 922 (pp. 446-451)

Influences of the third and fourth nearest neighbouring interactions on the surface anisotropy of face-centred-cubic metals (2014-06)
Luo, Yongkun and Qin, Rongshan
Surface Science, 624 (pp. 103-111)

Two-dimensional heat transfer model for secondary cooling of continuously cast beam blanks (2014-06)
Zhao, Y.; Chen, D. F.; Long, M. J.; Shen, J. L. and Qin, R. S.
Ironmaking & Steelmaking, 41(5) (pp. 377-386)

Microstructure computation for phase transition in steels (2014-05-01)
Qin, R. S.
Materials Science Forum, 783-786 (pp. 2176-2181)

Electrothermomechanical processing of high carbon steels (2014-05-01)
Elliott-Bowman, B.; Cook, A. C.; Brown, P. and Qin, R. S.
Advanced Materials Research, 922 (pp. 132-136)

Effects of electropulsing on the microstructure evolution of 316L stainless steel (2014-05-01)
Lu, Wen Jun and Qin, Rong Shan
Advanced Materials Research, 922 (pp. 441-445)

A three-dimensional cellular automata model for dendrite growth with various crystallographic orientations during solidification (2014-04)
Zhao, Yan; Chen, Dengfu; Long, Mujun; Arif, Tansel T. and Qin, Rongshan
Metallurgical and Materials Transactions B, 45(2) (pp. 719-725)

A phase-field model for the formation of martensite and bainite (2014)
Arif, Tansel T. and Qin, Rong Shan
Advanced Materials Research, 922 (pp. 31-36)

Electric current-driven migration of electrically neutral particles in liquids (2014)
Zhang, Xinfang and Qin, Rongshan
Applied Physics Letters, 104, Article 114106(11)

Electropulsing-induced strengthening of steel at high temperature (2014)
Lu, W.J.; Zhang, X. F. and Qin, R. S.
Philosophical Magazine Letters, 94(11) (pp. 688-695)

A phase-field model for bainitic transformation (2013-09)
Arif, T. T. and Qin, R. S.
Computational Materials Science, 77 (pp. 230-235)

Removal of MnS inclusions in molten steel using electropulsing (2013-09)
Zhang, X. F.; Lu, W. J. and Qin, R. S.
Scripta Materialia, 69(6) (pp. 453-456)

Phase-field simulation of the thermomechanical processing of steels (2013-05-01)
Qin, Rongshan and Tan, Xu
International Journal of Metallurgical Engineering, 2(1) (pp. 35-39)

The effect of hot- and cold-rolling on the electropulse-induced microstructure and property changes in medium carbon low alloy Steels (2013-05)
Yu, W. P.; Qin, R. S. and Wu, K. M.
Steel Research International, 84(5) (pp. 443-449)

A three-dimensional cellular automata model coupled with finite element method and thermodynamic database for alloy solidification (2013)
Zhao, Y.; Qin, R. S. and Chen, D. F.
Journal of Crystal Growth, 377 (pp. 72-77)

Artificial intelligence and new materials (2020-08-01)
Qin, Rongshan
In: Guo, Yike ed. Artificial intelligence and development of future society (pp. 305-314)
Publisher : Scientific and Technical documentation Press | Published : Beijing

The effects of electropulsing on metallic materials (2015-08-01)
Elliott-Bowman, B. and Qin, R.
In: Coval, H.H. and Gromov, B.E. eds. Modern Trends in Modification of Structure and Properties of Materials (pp. 165-193)
ISBN : 978-5-89503-557-3 | Publisher : TOMCK Publishing House HTO

Computation of Electropulse-driven Regeneration of Magnetic Heterogeneous Materials (2020)
Qin, Rongshan
In : 2019 PhotonIcs & Electromagnetics Research Symposium (17-20 Jun, Rome/Italy) (pp. 1185-1189)

Orientation and faulted structure of γ′-phases in lanthanum-alloyed Ni-Al-Cr superalloy (2017-12-05)
Nikonenko, Elena; Shergaeva, Lyubov’; Popova, Natalya; Koneva, Nina; Qin, Rongshan; Gromov, Victor and Fedorischeva, Marina
In : International Conference on Advanced Materials with Hierarchical Structure for New Technologies and Reliable Structures 2017 (AMHS’17) (9-13 Oct 2017, Tomsk, Russia)

Orientation of nickel-based alloy after thermal treatment (2017-12-04)
Nikonenko, Elena; Popova, Natalya; Koneva, Nina; Qin, Rongshan and Gromov, Victor
In : Proceedings of the International Conference on Advanced Materials with Hierarchical Structure for New Technologies and Reliable Structures 2017 (AMHS’17) (9-13 Oct, Tomsk, Russia)

Computation of breakup limit under external field (2016-12-12)
Qin, Rongshan
In : UK Consortium on Mesoscale Engineering Sciences 2016 Workshop (12-13 Dec 2016, University College London, UK)

Modelling of phase separation under electropulsing processing (2016-06-03)
Qin, Rongshan
In : THERMEC 2016 (29 May - 3 Jun 2016, Graz, Australia)

Modelling the microstructure of polycrystalline austenite-martensite steels (2015-08-05)
Rahnama, Alireza and Qin, Rongshan
In : 3rd World Congress on Integrated Computational Materials Engineering (ICME 2015) (31 May - 04 Jun 2015, Colorado Springs, Colorado) (pp. 147-154)

Altering the microstructure of pearlitic steel using pulsed electric current (2015-07-15)
Elliott-Bowman, B.; Cook, A. C.; Brown, P.; Dye, D. and Qin, R. S.
In : Sustainable Materials Science and Technology (15-17 Jul 2015, Paris)

Smoothed particle hydrodynamics model for van der Walls fluid (2015-07-13)
Arif, Tansel and Qin, Rongshan
In : 24th International Conference on Discrete Simulation of Fluid Dynamics (13-17 Jul 2015, Edinburgh) (p 87)

On the electric-current-driven microstructural evolution (2015-07-06)
Qin, Rongshan
In : Progress In Electromagnetics Research Symposium (36th PIERS) (6-9 Jul 2015, Prague)