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Contemporary cultures of writing

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Past Seminars and events

2023              Writing Place conference


2022.              Neuroscience and Narrative


                       Ekphrasis, creating space for art and literature


2021              Climate Change and Creativity             


2021               The Personal as Political


2020                Multimodal Writing Workshop


2019                Life Stories

                        Voices from the Past: Peterloo and New Historical Fiction Conference


2018                Diverse Voices: Creative Writing Today

                        Key Creative Writing Issues 


2017                Creativity, Language, and Creative Writing

                        Art and Writing

                        The Rise of the Detective Novel


2016                Creative nonfiction: debates and directions


2015                Creative Writing Research: an investigation

                        Styles of Writing, Styles of Thought: What do we mean when we talk about style

                        Bridging the Gap: stories and histories in translation


2014                The Short Story in the 21st Century

                        New Historical Fiction in the 21st Century

                        Stories in Translation: translating the untranslatable 


2013                Translation, Creativity and Creative Writing

                        Writing Funny: language, creativity and comedy


2012                The Rise of Creative Writing

                        Life Writing: borderlands between fact and fiction

Past Seminar Series & Events

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Department of English and Creative Writing
The Open University
Walton Hall
Milton Keynes

Tel +44-1908-652092