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How the VQ assessment works

To achieve a Vocational Qualification (VQ), you must demonstrate to your assessor that you can satisfy the assessment criteria and therefore achieve the learning outcomes. To do this you must put forward evidence which clearly demonstrates your competence to your assessor.

The assessment process is the joint responsibility of you, your assessor and the Vocational Qualification Assessment Centre (VQAC) at The Open University. This process begins when you complete the registration agreement for your chosen qualification. The VQ Centre will contact you if there are any concerns or questions regarding your current work role sand the qualification you have chosen.

In the first stages of your qualification, you may explore and define your development needs and identify training required. It will set the scene for the future assessment of your evidence, which will be agreed between you and your assessor.

Usually, an assessor (sometimes an independent assessor) or expert witness will observe you in the course of your work (although assessment will also involve your assessor reviewing your portfolio of other evidence). 

VQ assessment is designed to take account of each learner’s needs and experiences and to give credit for previous achievements, as long as these are still current (normally work carried out within the past two years) and you remain competent.

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