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Latest news and trends

Keep up to date with the latest developments in the skills landscape and read more about our latest releases, partnerships, events and insights. Working with over 2,800 organisations across multiple sectors, The Open University is able to share its vast experience and pedigree in work-based learning.

Three quarters of IT employers claim their company has a digital skills gap

The Open University (OU) has revealed new findings detailing how employers in England are struggling to meet the digital skills gap in their organisation.

28th March 2022

Sustainability in the workplace: it’s everybody’s job

Prof. Nick Braithwaite, Executive Dean, STEM Faculty and Vice-Chancellor’s Executive Sponsor for Sustainability shares what sustainability means for The Open University (OU).

9th March 2022

Bringing employees together through learning

Dave Hardy’s employees have had quite a lot of downtime the past couple of years. His two businesses – the events company Glory Days and the apartment company Destination Edinburgh – had periods of total inactivity due to Covid-19 and lockdown restrictions, with employees furloughed through the quiet times.

3rd March 2022

Rapid reskilling and upskilling in the workplace

Sometimes in the workplace new projects or new job roles require employees to learn or refresh their skills quickly and efficiently. This might be brushing up on a language they last practised at school, or something to build knowledge around a new technology, customer, market or sector. A short, focused learning programme can play dividends and help the organisation succeed.

2nd March 2022

‘I won’t let dyslexia stop me’ – the degree apprentice building a new career

When Martyn Carroll left school at 16, he didn’t realise he had dyslexia and simply thought higher education wasn’t for him. He’s now proving just what he’s capable of thanks to a degree apprenticeship with The Open University and South Western Railway.

7th January 2022

Like mother, like daughter - Nursing Associate apprentice Fola

Ever since she was a child, Fola Yusuf-Adewuyi wanted to follow in her mother’s footsteps and become a nurse. Years later, and now a mum of three herself, Fola is living her dream and is one of the first Nursing Associates to qualify through an innovative Open University apprenticeship.

22nd December 2021

Celebration time for newly qualified Nurse Associates

The first Nurse Associates have qualified from Kent Community Health NHS Foundation Trust (KCHFT), through its new Nursing Academy in partnership with The Open University (OU).

10th December 2021

Flexible learning delivers vital upskilling opportunities

Euan Murning first heard about the Flexible Workforce Development Fund (FWDF) from the membership body Scottish Care. Once he explored it further and learned more about the opportunity – funded training up to the value of £5,000 – it didn’t take him long to decide that it was an excellent prospect for him and his staff. “You don’t often get the chance to access high quality training that is funded,” he says.

19th November 2021

Belfast-based IT company demonstrates proactive approach to skills challenges

The UK skills shortage is being felt across every sector, region and nation of the UK. In Northern Ireland, 69 per cent of employers report a skills shortage in their organisation, with nearly half (46%) saying their biggest challenge over the next five years will be their ability to find staff with the right skills. These findings are taken from The Open University’s (OU) latest Business Barometer report, published in partnership with The Institute of Directors (IoD).

5th November 2021

Persistence pays off for determined Degree Apprentice Frances

Frances Mahony works as a Software Engineer for Shell Energy Retail and is a Digital and Technology Solutions Professional Degree Apprentice at The Open University. As a new recipient of Degree Apprenticeship Certificate of Merit from Tech Industry Gold, we caught up with Frances to talk about aspirations, opportunities and access to Higher Education via her Degree Apprenticeship.

30th September 2021

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