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New report: Embracing Flexibility - How can L&D service new hybrid working and learning models in the public sector?

The report, published by The Open University, in partnership with Public Sector Executive (PSE), highlights almost three quarters (73%) of public sector employees would be more likely stay in a job that allowed remote or hybrid working.

7th April 2022

Reflection on the IoD Northern Ireland Women’s Leadership Conference 2022

The Open University (OU) has revealed new findings detailing how employers in England are struggling to meet the digital skills gap in their organisation.

31st March 2022

Three quarters of IT employers claim their company has a digital skills gap

The Open University (OU) has revealed new findings detailing how employers in England are struggling to meet the digital skills gap in their organisation.

28th March 2022

Local solutions to local social work challenges

The social work profession has faced considerable challenges the past 10-15 years. There are significant recruitment and retention issues, particularly in more remote and rural areas. Funding challenges have had an impact on learning and development provision. At the same time, demand for social worker interventions have been rising, with social workers undertaking increasingly complex support of vulnerable people.

14th March 2022

Webinar shares graduate apprenticeship success stories

Graduate apprenticeships are helping plug digital skills gaps in Scotland, particularly in the business critical area of cyber security. As part of Scottish Apprenticeship Week (7-11 March), The Open University in Scotland (OUiS) hosted an employer webinar to talk about the current digital skills landscape in Scotland and the role of apprenticeships in addressing skills challenges.

11th March 2022

Sustainability in the workplace: it’s everybody’s job

Prof. Nick Braithwaite, Executive Dean, STEM Faculty and Vice-Chancellor’s Executive Sponsor for Sustainability shares what sustainability means for The Open University (OU).

9th March 2022

Bringing employees together through learning

Dave Hardy’s employees have had quite a lot of downtime the past couple of years. His two businesses – the events company Glory Days and the apartment company Destination Edinburgh – had periods of total inactivity due to Covid-19 and lockdown restrictions, with employees furloughed through the quiet times.

3rd March 2022

Rapid reskilling and upskilling in the workplace

Sometimes in the workplace new projects or new job roles require employees to learn or refresh their skills quickly and efficiently. This might be brushing up on a language they last practised at school, or something to build knowledge around a new technology, customer, market or sector. A short, focused learning programme can play dividends and help the organisation succeed.

2nd March 2022

SMEs' Skills challenges in Scotland

There are significant skills shortages in Scotland, with almost two thirds of Scottish employers (63%) struggling to access the talent they need, according to The Open University’s Business Barometer Report 2021. This situation is having a big impact on many small and medium sized enterprises (SMEs) in Scotland.

1st March 2022

Employer podcast: Engaging employees in lifelong learning

Access to skills is the number one issue currently for business leaders in Northern Ireland. That was one of the key messages to emerge from a recent Open University (OU) podcast, hosted by Laurence Knell, Associate Lecturer at The Open University’s triple-accredited Business School.Laurie was joined by three guests – Gordon Milligan, Deputy Chief Executive at the public transport organisation Translink, John D’Arcy, National Director at the OU in Ireland, and Dr Lynsey Quinn, Business Development Lead for the OU in Ireland.

28th February 2022

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