First name (required)
Last name (required)
Phone number (required)
Post code (required)
Age (required)
Gender (required)
- Select - Female Male Other Prefer not to say
Ethnicity (required)
- Select - Asian/ Asian British Black / African / Caribbean / Black British Mixed / multiple ethnic groups White British Other White background Other ethnic group Prefer not to say
Do you have caring responsibilities for children or other adults? (required)
- Select - Yes No
Have you lived in care at any stage of your life e.g., residential care, foster care, kinship care, at home with a supervision order? (required)
- Select - Yes No Prefer not to say
What is your current employment status? (required)
- Select - Caring for someone (unpaid) Doing voluntary work In training/education Inactive, not in education or training Unemployed and not looking for work Unemployed and looking for work Employed - zero hours contract Self-employed Working – full time Working – part time Other Prefer not to say
What is the highest level of qualification that you have achieved? (required)
- Select - No formal qualification GCSEs, National 5s or equivalent A-Levels, Scottish Highers or equivalent Cert HE or equivalent DipHE/HND or equivalent University undergraduate degree University post-graduate programme Doctoral degree Prefer not to say
Were you in receipt of free school meals during your GCSE, National 5 or post-16 studies OR do you have dependents in receipt of free school meals? (required)
- Select - Yes No
Do you live in a household with an annual income of £25,000 or below? (required)
- Select - Yes No
Did either of your parents go to university (either in the UK or overseas)? (required)
- Select - Yes No
How confident, if at all, are you in undertaking the following tasks with technology?
Writing and sending text messages or emails (required)
- Select - Not confident Slightly confident Somewhat confident Highly confident
Using a social media application (e.g., Facebook, X, WhatsApp, Instagram, TikTok etc.) (required)
- Select - Not at all confident Slightly confident Somewhat confident Very confident
Using applications to create documents and spreadsheets (required)
- Select - Not at all confident Slightly confident Somewhat confident Very confident
Helping others to stay safe online and when they face problems using an application on their device (required)
- Select - Not at all confident Slightly confident Somewhat confident Very confident
Writing web or computer code (required)
- Select - Not at all confident Slightly confident Somewhat confident Very confident
Creating apps (required)
- Select - Not at all confident Slightly confident Somewhat confident Very confident
Understanding network security basics (required)
- Select - Not at all confident Slightly confident Somewhat confident Very confident
Diagnosing and fixing problems with other people’s coding (required)
- Select - Not at all confident Slightly confident Somewhat confident Very confident
Troubleshooting network issues (required)
- Select - Not at all confident Slightly confident Somewhat confident Very confident
How prepared do you feel about the following aspects of employment or further training?
Writing job applications (required)
- Select - Not at all prepared Slightly prepared Somewhat prepared Very Prepared
Knowing what to say at an interview for a job needing digital skills (required)
- Select - Not at all prepared Slightly prepared Somewhat prepared Very Prepared
Starting a new job needing digital skills (required)
- Select - Not at all prepared Slightly prepared Somewhat prepared Very Prepared
Working with others in a job needing digital skills (required)
- Select - Not at all prepared Slightly prepared Somewhat prepared Very Prepared
Setting up as a contractor or becoming self-employed (required)
- Select - Not at all prepared Slightly prepared Somewhat prepared Very Prepared
Starting further education, training or an apprenticeship (required)
- Select - Not at all prepared Slightly prepared Somewhat prepared Very Prepared
How confident, if at all, are you in undertaking the following work-related activities?
Communicating with others, including work colleagues, clients or customers (required)
- Select - Not at all confident Slightly confident Somewhat confident Very confident
Solving problems related to work tasks (required)
- Select - Not at all confident Slightly confident Somewhat confident Very confident
Working effectively with other people (required)
- Select - Not at all confident Slightly confident Somewhat confident Very confident
Adapting my knowledge and skills to new situations (required)
- Select - Not at all confident Slightly confident Somewhat confident Very confident
Data protection The information that you provide in this form will be stored by the Open University in accordance with data protection legislation. We will use your personal data in connection with your studies and your health and safety whilst you are on the programme. Anonymised information will be shared with the University of Bath (the consortium lead for this project) and anonymised and aggregated information with Nominet (the Funder) for the purposes of administering and evaluating the programme. For full details of how your information will be used, please refer to the
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Next steps When you click ‘Submit’, a screen will pop-up with the link you’ll need to access the course platform. You can click straight through, but please bookmark this screen, make a note of the course platform web address and the ‘next steps’ information first. You’ll also receive an email containing this information within 48 hours.
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