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PhD Funded Studentship Opportunities

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The OU offers funded studentships, either wholly or with an element of matched funding from an external partner in industry, government or a public body. Each faculty will have different funds available, and different criteria for eligibility. This varies from year to year. The studentships will have particular terms and conditions relating to Intellectual Property, registration periods, location of study and periods of leave.

You can find out more about our research and a list of topics which tell you more about specific areas of research, current and prospective projects, entry requirements, available supervisors and contact details for advice. By visiting Research Degree Areas | Research Degrees | Open University

How To Apply

More details on how to apply to our Studentship opportunities can be found at MPhil and PhD Application | Research | Open University

engineering students in a laboratory

To apply please complete an

You will need to check the advert for what else is required for that opportunity and send your application with any additional requirements to the email address provided within the advert.

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Contact us

  • For generic queries about research degree study at The Open University please email the Graduate School or telephone +44 (0)1908 653806.
  • For queries about the research area you wish to study, please use the contact details given in the 'Get in touch' section of each Research topic page.