Trainees are Field Rangers who do much of the physical conservation management on the reserves overseen by Cape Nature/SAN Parks. Trainees will have to include at least one person per research site who regularly works there.
The training content is mainly hands-on field-based with designed exercises in field recording of various kinds for trainees to carry out. Record keeping, drawing and interpreting simple graphs will also be taught. Basics of eco-hydrology will be taught in the field. We will use Open University experience and educational materials where appropriate.
We have so far trained 21 personnel and aim to have three-dozen trained by end of 2009. Training is given in English, but translation to Afrikaans available where required.
We intend to investigate whether credits towards formal recognition of the training received can be awarded by a South African Institution.
Some of the staff we train will be designated by their respective organizations to train others.
After training, participants will be involved in field monitoring and we shall validate the data submitted by them by spot-checks, cross-validation among sites and correlation of readings with known rainfall patterns. Anomalies will be followed-up and re-training offered.
We have so far undertaken two 3-day training sessions (July 2008 and October 2008). In total, 20 personnel from 10 localities have attended.
We aim to conduct a Training-for-Trainers course before the end of the project.
Ecohydrology Training Manual
Dr. Yoseph Araya coordinates and runs the training, along with Prof. David Gowing.
Prof. Jonathan Silvertown
Prof. David Gowing
Dr. Yoseph Araya
Prof. Edward Youngs
Dr. Guy Midgley
Dr. Nick Walker (2008)
James Ayuk
Deryck De Witt
Dr. Ernst Baard
Prof. Peter Linder
Els Dorratt Haaksma
Prof. Jonathan Silvertown
Department of Life Sciences
The Open University, Walton Hall
Milton Keynes, MK7 6AA
United Kingdom
Prof. Jonathan Silvertown's website