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Finance, Innovation and Equity

Finance, Innovation and Growth (FINNOV)

The Lisbon Agenda set out a new industrial policy for an enlarged European Union that aims to enhance long-term economic performance and improve the ability of European firms to generate innovation and growth. This will require improvements in the generation of new knowledge and better translation of new inventions into the commercial innovations that generate productivity improvements and economic growth.

10 July 2015, 15:02

Professor Smita Srinivas

TCLab, Columbia University
Visiting Professor: FASS; Economics

12 April 2017, 14:19

Open Political Economy Group (OPEG)

In the aftermath of the global economic crisis, an upsurge of interest in political economy has sought to rejuvenate thinking about the functioning of capitalism. To improve the visibility of this work, academics and students from across the OU have come together to form the Open Political Economy Group.

12 February 2016, 11:43

Ariane Hillig

FBL; Open University Business School
Supervisors: Dimitris Sotiropolous & Andrew Trigg

18 April 2017, 11:59

Dr Cristina Santos

Lecturer in Economics
FASS; Economics

20 March 2017, 13:31

Graeme Smith

FBL; Open University Business School
Supervisors: Dimitris Sotiropolous & Andrew Trigg

18 April 2017, 12:02

Dr Leslie Budd

Reader in Social Enterprise
FBL; Open University Business School

20 March 2017, 13:58

Davide Villani

FBL; Open University Business School
Supervisors: Dimitris Sotiropolous & Andrew Trigg

18 April 2017, 12:06

Dr Jerome De Henau

Senior Lecturer in Economics
FASS; Economics

7 April 2017, 11:38

José Bruno Fevereiro

FBL; Open University Business School
Supervisors: Dimitris Sotiropoulos, Andrew Trigg & Constantinos Repapis (Goldsmiths)

18 April 2017, 12:10

Contact us

To find out more about our work, or to discuss a potential project, please contact:

International Development Research Office
Faculty of Arts and Social Sciences
The Open University
Walton Hall
Milton Keynes
United Kingdom

T: +44 (0)1908 858502