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Open Political Economy Group (OPEG)

Summary and Aims

In the aftermath of the global economic crisis, there has been an upsurge of interest in political economy that seeks to rejuvenate thinking about the functioning of capitalism and to develop alternatives to received orthodoxy.

In order to give this work at the OU a more visible external presence, academics and research students from different faculties have come together to form the Open Political Economy Group (OPEG). Interdisciplinary in approach and drawing on the best traditions of The Open University, OPEG is open to and critical of different traditions and history, including those of Marx, Keynes and Minsky.

The group is led by Dimitris Sotiropoulos and Andrew Trigg and members are drawn mainly from within IKD, including participants from the Faculty of Business and Law and the Faculty of Arts and of Social Sciences. You can keep up to date with OPEG's activities on Twitter: @OpenPEgroup.


Leslie Budd
Lorena Lombardozzi
Alan Shipman
Dimitris Sotiropoulos
Daniele Tori
Andrew Trigg
Susan Newman Kevin Deane

Members also include a lively and active group of full-time research students based in the Milton Keynes area:

José Bruno Fevereiro
Supervisors: Dimitris Sotiropoulos, Andrew Trigg and Constantinos Repapis (Goldsmiths, University of London)
Maria Gomez Benitez
Supervisors: Leslie Budd and Andrew Trigg
Carolyn Keber
Supervisors: Dimitris Sotiropoulos and Janette Rutterford
Antonis Kyparissis
Supervisors: Dimitris Sotiropoulos, Janette Rutterford, Daniele Tori
Pedro Siqueira Machado
Supervisors: Leslie Budd and Andrew Trigg
Davide Villani
Supervisors: Dimitris Sotiropoulos and Andrew Trigg
Francis Garikayi
Supervisors: Susan Newman, Andrew Trigg and Lotta-Takala Greenish (University of the West of England).
Demetrios Pachnis
Supervisors: Dimitris Sotiropoulos and Daniele Tori


V. Chick and G.C. Harcourt. Lives lived against the stream
12-13 May 2023, PSH326 (12 May), Professor Stuart Hall Building. RHB 137a (13th of May), Institute of Management Studies, Goldsmiths

OU-UnB Workshop on Multisectoral Analysis and Global Value Chains
25-26 November 2021, Online via MS Teams

Sraffa and Marx session
9 July 2020, Online

Seminar on Production and Structural Change
31 January 2020, Hamilton House, Room 7, Mabledon Place, WC1H 9BD

Seminar on Structural Change
1 November 2019, Univesity of London

Workshop - New perspectives in political economy
7 June 2019, The Open University in London

Future Urban Mobilities
16 - 17 May 2019, FutureLearn, London

Multisectoral Analysis and Global Trade
30 November 2018, Goldsmiths, University of London

Financialised inclusion? Early-Career Researcher Masterclass on the Critical Understanding of Personal Finance within Global Financial Markets
23 May 2018, The Open University in London

Regional Dimensions to Industrial Strategy Workshop - Belfast
28-29 September 2017, The Open University in Ireland, Belfast

In defence of the balance of payments constrained growth hypothesis: some insights from a multi-sectoral approach
19 September 2017, The Open University, Milton Keynes

Input-Output and Multisectoral Analysis: Theory and Applications
16 - 17 May 2017, The Open University, Milton Keynes

Socialist Optimism: A Panel Discussion
7 December 2016, Senate House, London

Insights into Methodological Approaches in Economic Research
30 November 2016, The Open University in London

Inequality, Wages and Finance
29 November 2016, The Open University in London

A European Dimension to Brexit
13 June 2016, The Open University in London

Ricardo Conference
2 - 3 June 2016, SOAS, University of London

Money, Debt and Finance: Towards a Political Economy of Financial Innovation
26 June 2015, The Open University in London

Distribution, Work and Employment: Identifying the Problems
ESRC seminar, 5 June 2015, The Open University in London

Workshop on Multisectoral Production Economics
31 January 2014, The Open University in London


To find out more, please contact Dimitris Sotiropoulos or Andrew Trigg.

Contact us

To find out more about our work, or to discuss a potential project, please contact:

International Development Research Office
Faculty of Arts and Social Sciences
The Open University
Walton Hall
Milton Keynes
United Kingdom

T: +44 (0)1908 858502