UKRI access to data requirements

What is required?

Any peer reviewed paper published after 1 April 2013 which is the product of UKRI funding has to meet the UKRI policy on Open Access. This policy requires all such papers to include


A simple Data Access Statement explaining how underlying research materials, such as data, can be accessed.


An explanation as to why the underlying materials may not be accessed. This should only be done where there are compelling reasons to restrict access to the data, for example commercial confidentiality or sensitivities around potentially identifiable human participants.

How can my research data be made accessible?

In order to ensure long-term accessibility and visibility, the best option is to deposit your data in a repository/archive/data centre. Many funders have specific requirements regarding the long term storage of research data, requiring funded projects' data to be stored in their own data centres. The OU has its on institutional data repository, Open Research Data Online (ORDO). There are numerous other external repositories which may accept your data. For more information on finding a repository for your research data, see the page on Where to share your data.

Example data access statements

Please see our page "Data Access Statements" for examples of how to write a statement to include in your publications.

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