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ORCID (Open Researcher and Contributor ID) is a system of unique identifiers that is used to identify researchers and their research outputs across platforms.

As part of the Open University's updated Research Data Management Policy (which came into effect on 1st December 2024), it is now a requirement to use an ORCID ID when publishing research data in order to unambigously link data to specific researchers.

ORCIDs are a good idea because:

  • They distinguish between researchers with the same or similar names
  • They save time – entering your ORCID will auto-populate personal details when completing online forms on compatible systems
  • The ORCID organisation is community driven and non-proprietary
  • ORCIDs allow different platforms to talk to each other. Signing up for an ORCID will allow the push and pull of data from one system to another. For example, all publications with a DOI can automatically be added to your ORCID record by giving CrossRef (DOI provider) permissions to add data to your accoun
  • They represent best practice by enhancing your ability to share data in a way that fulfils the FAIR data principles

Over 14 million ORCIDs have been issued and they are free. You can register on the ORCID website.

ORCIDs are increasingly important:

  • Publishers are beginning to require authors to have an ORCID at point of submission e.g. RSC (Royal Society of Chemistry), The Royal Society, IOP (Institute of Physics) Publishing, AGU (American Geophysical Union), APS (American Physical Society), IEEE (Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers) and PLOS (Public Library of Science)
  • Funders are beginning to require ORCIDs in grant applications e.g. The Wellcome Trust, NIHR
  • UKRI collect ORCIDs in the Joint Electronic Submission System (JeS)
  • ORCIDs can be used in Researchfish

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