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Short, bite sized learning required to address skills gap

A group of business people around a table

The Open University and the Northern Ireland Chamber of Commerce hosted a business roundtable on March 28, 2023, to discuss the skills gap in Northern Ireland.  The event brought leaders from business, industry and government to share their insights and perspectives on the challenges and opportunities facing the Northern Irish economy.

The skills gap has been identified as an ongoing issue in Northern Ireland, where the mismatch between the skills of the workforce and the demands of the labour market is hindering economic growth and development.  The Business Barometer report by The Open University, found that 48% of businesses in Northern Ireland strongly agree that their organisation is experiencing a skills shortage. These skills gaps are often paid ‘lip-service’ but tackling these require a shift of mindset within an organisation. There is a demand for skills such as:

  • Digital marketing and communications
  • Sales and Business Development - export and international
  • Green skills and sustainable practises
  • Tech/digital skills
  • Cybersecurity

The roundtable highlighted the strong need for short bite-sized learning, a flexible and accessible approach to upskilling, which can help to bridge the gap and equip workers with the skills they need to succeed in the changing world of work.

This approach to learning allows workers to upskill and reskill quickly and efficiently, without disrupting their work or personal lives.  Additionally, short bite-sized learning can be customised to meet the specific needs of different industries and sectors, ensuring that workers are equipped with the most relevant and up-to-date skills.

With 95% of businesses in Northern Ireland considered small or micro, it was discussed whether these types of business have an equal voice to influence policy or do large organisations dominate?

The consensus in the room was that it is up to employers, educators, and policy makers to come together to make things happen, with participants of the roundtable also highlighting the role of partnerships and collaboration in addressing the skills gap.  Suggestions were made to create a central hub to enable employers to share best practises, curate existing resources, showcase how others have developed talent within their workforce, and feedback to government to create a unified voice to ensure there are better schemes and funding that meet the needs of the market. Such collaborations can help ensure that skills training programs such as the Department for the Economy’s Skill Up initiative and provision of microcredentials are aligned with the needs of the labour market and can provide workers with the skills they need to succeed. Micro and small businesses want a bigger say and a place in these as larger organisations dominate these conversations.

Commenting on the event, John D’Arcy, Director of The Open University in Ireland, said: “The skills gap is a significant challenge for Northern Ireland, but it also represents an opportunity for us to innovate and find new solutions.  Short bite-sized learning or microcredentials offers a flexible and accessible approach to upskilling that can help bridge the gap and equip workers with the skills they need to succeed in the changing world of work.  We are delighted to have hosted this roundtable and to have brought together leaders from government, business and industry to explore this important issue.”

The business roundtable is part of The Open University’s ongoing commitment to addressing the skills gap and supporting the economic development of Northern Ireland and across the UK. The discussion will help inform the upcoming Business Barometer report, due out in June 2023.

The Open University’s annual Business Barometer report this year is in collaboration with the British Chamber of Commerce and based on a survey of more than 1,300 organisations of all sizes across the four nations of the UK from the public, private and third sectors, seeks to identify and the current business environment and that of the future to support businesses to make better decisions to deal with key issues.


A picture of Christine Murphy who has fair curly hair and is smiling and wearing a white jumper

For media enquiries please contact:

Christine Murphy, Communications Manager

Tel 028 9053 6219